Alfred NORTH Whitehead
The man was British for godsakes, how can you get his name wrong.
"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them," said mathematician Alfred Lord Whitehead, in his 1911 tome, An Introduction to Mathematics. And with its Autonomic Computing effort, IBM believes it's advancing civilization. On Monday in Palo Alto, …
I had an idea for a processor that would run flat-out, as fast as propagation delays would let it, by using an oscillator formed from an even number of NOT gates and a NAND or NOR gate (just so you can stop the oscillator dead when needed). That much, of course, isn't new. My idea was to distribute the gates (which are small enough) throughout the silicon, so that anything that increased the propagation time through one region would automatically slow down the oscillator.
(Side note: Does discussing this on the Reg Forums count as Prior Art?)