Lock knife
It looks like the hinged cover would prevent the knife closing (actually a good safety feature) meaning that this would be classed as a lock knife and so require 'good reason' for carrying.
My Victorinox CyberTool multiplex knife goes with me everywhere. But while it's bloody useful of disassembling hardware and putting it back together, it's not exactly compact. Ditto your average Leatherman multi-tool. Hence my interest in True Utility's Scarab, which squeezes a handful of tools down into a 50 35 x 7mm, 46g …
"""a lock knife and so require 'good reason' for carrying."""
That's one of the benefits of living in this big, gun-loving country - knives are pretty acceptable. My state doesn't have /any/ limit to the length of a concealed folding knife - I would take my 3.5" single-hand, assisted-opening lock blade over any of these tiny tools, though it does cost a tiny bit more, and it doesn't make for an amazing screwdriver. Strips wires pretty well, though : -)
I reckon I've flown about 6 times as well now and its not been spotted... To me its no sharper than any of my keys and I have more of them anyway, so if I wanted to do any damage I could presumably use them.
Anyway for a fiver and the simple ease of having a bottle opener and a cpl of very small tools I'll leave it attached. I have however removed the wine bottle opener they make when I fly, as I reckon thats slightly more obvious.
I had a scarab.. and Bl**dy useful it was too, only trouble is I forgot it was on my key chain when I was flying.
Result I had the Starssi at the airport remove it cos I might try and disassemble the aircraft in flight....
Guess that would be the result if you had the KeyTool too..
I have a Leatherman Micra and though it is a lot more expensive would not trade it for either of these 2.
I've forgotten it when flying twice. The first time I was nice and early so just posted it to myself. The second it was not noticed at Edinburgh but was at Gatwick on the way back. Had to buy a new one.
I had the Swiss+Tech Micro-Max and found that the arms tended to loosen over time to the point that it kept opening in my pocket. I wonder if the Scarab would suffer from the same problem. If the metal on the inside of the arms is flat rather than curved then I can see that becoming a problem with the Scarab.
The Scarab will be confiscated at Airport Security, obviously, but the KeyTool is more likely to depend on the alertness of the staff, as it resembles a key.
I used to have an 8mm spanner as a keyring - this went through airport security multiple times until one of the staff noticed, stated 'no tools' and chucked it into the bin. I suspect the KeyTool would be subject to the same lottery.
Are there any useful tools out there which are allowed through airport security? I like to travel so it would be good to know.
I used to carry a Leatherman Crunch, then I found out about a slight change to the law which made it illegal to carry any knife with a locking blade (apparently the government want people to cut themselves more).
Now I (like the author) carry a Cyber Tool. However, I was a little worried carrying this during the security theatre a couple of years ago when random searches and metal detectors at the station were de rigeur.
So further to the above, are there any useful tools out there which don't have a blade such that an over zealous police officer couldn't take it to be a weapon?
Lock your tools away in your check-in luggage, then there's no need to mail it home, have it binned etc.
If it gets nicked out of your luggage en route, then that's what travel insurance is for.
As for the Scarab and KeyTool, wouldn't you just remove these from your keychain before travelling? I would.
"As for the Scarab and KeyTool, wouldn't you just remove these from your keychain before travelling? I would."
As it's a put-on-your-keyring-and-forget-about-it type of thing, I'd probably put in on my keyring and forget about it.
If they'd pitched it in the den, Bannatyne would have told them this and called it useless. Then Theo Paphitis would have broken it.
The trouble is that your multi-tool becomes such a part of your regular dress that you forget it is there. I've done it once with my Wave; luckily I was able to ship it to myself. I honestly just forgot about it as I was getting dressed to go to the airport. "Wallet, keys, cellphone, Wave. Yep, I'm good."
It's also my bottle opener and cork screw* as well as my server room took kit. The only disadvantage is I have to check it in (and that means having checked in luggage which is not always desirable).
* Kudos to Victronix for recognising your average travelling computer geek is also a drunk.
I don't take check in luggage when I fly. I make sure everything fits in a backpack.
Paying £40 to check in a £8 keyring tool would be a tad excessive. Doesn't even work out for the £30 leatherman micra (which I can confirm, was hinged as solidly 4 years later than the day I bought it)
I remember coming home from my last business flight after 9/11 (This was ~February 2002), and discovering my ever handy leatherman supertool sitting in my carry-on along with my laptop and the pile of other crap I routinely carried with me at the time.
I was amused that security didn't catch it in either direction.
On a flight last week from Heathrow T1, I was surprised to see a sign that indicated that blades of up to 6cm, such as on a handy Swiss Army knife, are now permitted in hand luggage. Had to ask a security staff member to confirm this in case I'd misread the poster somehow. Anyone else noticed this change?
many many years ago, it was a nice useful tool until, as it aged, the tools down the sides became loose, and there is no way (apart from a little jiggery pokery with a hammer on the pins) to tighten it up again, so the blade and screw drivers would be open in my pockets without my knowledge,
after it shredded the inside of my pocket and a couple of fingers I had to replace it, but its still sitting on a shelf at home as its still a nifty pair of pliers,
I would recommend it, but the quality and how long it will last is reflected in the price, (so get 3 and use them one after the other)
I don't have experience of these particular tools, but I'd not get one that only costs £7.
I had a £10 no-name one before my Leatherman Wave that lasted about 3 months. I've had my Wave the best part of 10 years.
If I had to have a tiny tool, I'd have a Leatherman Micra. More expensive, but worth it in my opinion.
Oh, and I'd also recommend getting one with locking blades, I had a Swiss Army-type one (not Victorinox) that closed on my fingers no end of times. Luckily that one was so blunt it didn't do any damage, the Leatherman would've had my fingers off.
Unless you plan on only using them in the privacy of your own home. The powers that be here decided you are not allowed to carry any knife with a locking blade in public without "good reason" -- and from what I can gather "I'm worried about cutting my fingers should I need to use this on a rare occasion" doesn't wash.
I got hooked on the Sebertool M4, which has now been bought out and is sold as the IDL T10 (http://www.idltools.com/products/t10/). Love it - nice square, chunky feel, that I prefer to the Leatherman - handy, and small. I bought a new one every time I either lost it, or accidentally forgot to baggage it before going through airport security and got it confiscated - although again, when I did forget, it still got through more often than it didn't.
As a gigging musician, I have a Leatherman rip-off in my gig bag as it's ideal for quick equipment fixes, cutting tape and chopping the ends off of new strings. I reckon the Scarab would be a lot easier to store with the rest of my gear.
Only problem is, it needs a can opener. I used my not-leatherman to open tins of tuna at a festival recently.