While I agree on principle
...that NS should not have sold that equipment to the government, I am sure that similar technology is being used in the US, UK etc. So "unlawful interception" is a term loaded with a political agenda. It was probably sold for lawful interception purposes to the Iranian government. It is very easy in hindsight to say that the Iranian government could not be trusted, but in fact until the last elections, which seem to have been rigged indeed, the Iranian government was no worse than many other governments in the world, many of which are backed by the US. But if the BNP gets to power in the UK and starts to use the already deployed technology for political prosecution, we surely would lay the blame on the government, not on the tools vendor.
Oh and let's not get started with the theocracy thing, in fact, the UK political system is very similar in the level of democracy to what the Iranian system was: the head of the state is also the head of the church, unelected members of parliament, voting system designed to keep the two main parties alternating...
So all in all there is definitely an element of cynical manipulation to slime a European corporation that doesn't follow every single recommendation by Uncle Sam.