'Other pressures'
Is that 'other pressures' like getting T-boned by passing Airbuses?
Pilots over Scotland have been warned to keep a sharp eye out for a Rueppell's Griffon Vulture which is currently awol from a Cumbernauld bird of prey centre and poses "a genuine threat to airplanes". The missing beast - a seven-year-old female called Gandalf - was flying at World of Wings when she was transported into the …
Turkey vultures hang out at PAO, feasting on 'plane-kill (bunnies & smaller birds). I have never heard of a pilot flying into or out of Palo Alto hitting one. And there are often tens of these things hanging about ... with 6 foot wingspans. The chances of commercial aircraft occupying the same airspace as a single bird "somewhere over Scotland" are less than remote, regardless of wingspan.
I've been waiting for evolutionary biologists to come up with a convincing "just-so-story" about the adaptive significance or advantage of said bird cruising around at altitudes 6K ft higher than Everest.
(Not doubting anything about credible evolution, only incredible abuses of it. To the point, one of their oft heard lamer assertions is that, if an animal has some capability, it must have evolutionary meaning - or some such nonsense).
This exemplifies the danger of importing un-natural beings into the existence of places other than their natural habitat. We saw the same thing with Grey Squirrels, only a few in the 1800s but look at them now. In other words, we fucked up again.
Those responsible should be told to "duck off".