I disagree with the post above (william henderson)
I'm a tax-paying UK citizen and my army, which is both composed of my countrymen and paid for by me, is currently in Afghanistan (and Iraq), and I'm not entirely sure why.
I don't for one minute want anybody on either side (and I'm not even sure about the sides) to suffer due to the 'war' or wikileaks - but I'm entirely sure I've been fed political bull-shit over the whole situation for quite a few years now.
I fully accept that in an engagement there are things that temporarily need to be kept secret from the public, but without oversight (and there has been f'all) bad things will happen - and they have.
I also accept that tough decisions and therefore mistakes will have been made - and that I personally would have probably avoided the decisions for fear of the mistakes. Again, I'm OK with that, I'm not a military strategist and wouldn't want to have to be one. As a pacifist wuss, somebody needs to kill people to protect my innocent soul and allow my hands to remain squeaky clean.
However, from my safe position, I've felt increasingly more uncomfortable about what was happening. At a very basic level when you hear a story about deaths in "Helmand Province", you feel sad for the deaths, but the ever unanswered question is Why are we there, what are we doing there, what do we hope to achieve there and what aren't you telling me?
Wikileaks isn't the answer, but it's quite bizarre that they're the only source that's making waves. They're the only thing I come across that's not going with the news-flow.
More importantly, they're not making waves by pushing a controversial editorial - they're merely reporting what our side thinks is happening. It's quite mind-boggling.
This entire 'outrage' is merely down to our direct exposure of what is happening - without being censored. These things happened, and nobody has denied that.
I guess if I had to boil it down - Wikileaks aren't exposing anything secret. Wikileaks are exposing the gap of honesty between what happened and what we were told. That's it.
We shouldn't have to need wikileaks as they shouldn't be able to produce anything worthy of a new story - but they can, so we do.
Juian Assange - clearly a strange man, but in this immediate moment, the only man I covet the balls of.