That's funny
I'd associate iPhone users with increased sexual activity, just not the type involving a partner...
When it comes to getting laid, put your Blackberry back in your hip holster and don't get caught touching an Android. The iPhone gets results. iPhone users are getting more sex then their counterparts on RIM or Google devices, with women iPhone users getting more action than their male counterparts. Women iPhone users are …
Head for your nearest bookstore or coffee shop or other wifi gathering place.
The folks more interested in their ::insert mobile device here:: are completely oblivious to the MOTAS in their immediate vicinity.
It would seem that online interaction, even of a sexual nature, is more important than real, honest-to-gawd/ess physical contact.
It's sad, really ... The kids who were born of the Nintendo Generation don't actually understand what it's like to have a RealLife[tm] relationship. Poor bastards.
An iPhone buyer may be more interested in having a phone they can show off, no matter what the cost ergo they need to up the amount of sex they appear to be having. It's a mental attitude.
The other phones...realistic individuals who just want a smart phone or have had one forced on them by their company.
That was my thinking - and one small factor in my thinking it is that, although not all iPhone types I've encountered do this, some do habitually include the 'i' when referring to the device in a way that the generic 'phone' would suffice. (eg, "Let me just grab my iPhone before we go..." or "Poo. I've left my iPhone at home...") - I've yet to hear any user of any other type of phone refer to it by brand when a generic reference would suffice.
To my mind, that indicates that these particular people do indeed see it as either a fashion item or status symbol at least as much, if not more so, than as a mobile phone - so it doesn't seem a huge stretch to imagine that they might lie about how many sexual partners they've had.
Especially the blokes - I know, because <checks> yes, I'm a bloke. ;)
As an Android convert I was initially deeply offended, but you know what? It's probably true.
I would also point out that having poor intelligence, blonde hair, big tits and a penchant for Barcardi Breezer will also get you more sex, but those with a bit more nous will realise how disturbingly unsatisfying that sex will be.
Which is how I feel when I use an iPhone. And dirty.'s called a 'browser'. For surfing pr0n. When you can't get a bit of "how's your father"
Or, maybe the iPhone's a bit bigger, and when stuffed in a man's trouser pocket...You get the drift.
Off-topic - what's Gavin doing writing in Lester's undisputed domain (or is Lester busy on a playmobil reconstruction)? Pray do tell!
...that women with iPhones are slappers?
Or is this another implicit reinforcement of the view that Android users have more geek factor (and hence are less likely to be sucessful with the opposite sex)?
OK, OK I'm going
(Full disclosure - I'm planning on getting an Android phone and I haven't had any in months)
One thing we do know pretty conclusively is that a lot of people lie when taking surveys, and doubly so when taking surveys about their sex lives, for a whole host of complex reasons.
So, could it just be that iPhone users lie more than users of other smartphones, perhaps in a desperate effort to fit in with what they see as societal norms? I merely raise the possibility, is all :-)
"number of partners" is a bad metric. I (have a company WinMobile device, that should score negative in sexiness) have only a small number of partners on the scale of the plots (2 in fact).
But i get laid lots. Why waste time flashing your sexy smartphone around in the search of new partners? Why waste time playing with a smartphone's touchscreen where you could be playing with your partner's touch-sensitive areas?
I realise that this is just some marketing puffery for an Internet dating site and not some peer-reviewed sociological research, but even so ...
1) This is based on users of said site, hardly a representative sample.
2) The headline should read: iPhone users (claim to) have more sexual *partners* - which may or may not equate to more sex.
3) And is based on number of partners by age 30 - whereas ownership of an iPhone can't possibly have extended over more than 3 years, and given the rate at which sales have been increasing, I'd guess the average is more like 12 months.
The only remarkable thing is that women are reporting more sexual partners than men, whereas almost every serious study shows the reverse result. Possibly this indicates tat the women who sign up for such sites are even more weird than the men that do ...
Seriously WTF?
Who fills in this bullshit.
Ok people fill in this questionaire.
Are you over 30?
If yes are you a Virgin?
If yes...Ha ha ha ha haaa you sad lonely wanker!
If NO, are you a hottie (get the boys / girls) or an ugly sad bastard (who get the 2am'ers once a year)?
Me I have had 200,000 sexual partners, a mixture of Air hostesses, models, pop stars and famous film actresses with the ocassional cheerleader and gymast thrown in. Guess that's becuase I have neither a ihype or an Andull.
.... due to their non-discrimination and low standards.... clearly they are willing to accept parners despite fundamental and critical flaws.
They think they have a deep and meaningful relationship with a truly commited partner... yet the painful truth is that they have formed an unhealthy attachment to an abusive & manipulative dominator.. who undermines their freedom whilst creating a dependence in order to provide a false sense of self worth.
Whereas.... my Android phone really does love me unconditionally.... as do Google..... only got my best interests at heart.
The user profile of these devices in the (IT) firm I work in would probably corroborate this - the more technical people who'd be stereotypically getting less anyway would be the main Android users, and the blondes in accounts and "morkeshing" all use iPhones...
I think the fact that iPhone users screw more probably has more to do with good looking fashion victim types buying the fashion statement who tend to get laid more than your average geek who wouldn't step foot in a night club if you poked them with a sharp stick, after all geeks aren't well known to be the "pretty" types.
Beers, cost everyone looks good after 10 pints.
shouldn't that be "iPhone users have more sexual partners than Android fans"?
There is quite a difference. Just because you sleep around, doesn't mean you get /more/ sex than some one who has /only/ had a couple of stable long term relationships, it just means you get sex with more people.
In my opinion, a better headline would have been "iPhone users put it about" but that's just my opinion.
{from an iPhone owner}
It's worth remembering that iPhone's are much more prevalent than Blackberries and Android devices and I'd be willing to bet that you could insert any statement and find that iPhone users get XYZ more than Android users *purely because there are more of them*.
"iPhone users steal more things than Android users"
"iPhone users indulge in necrophilia more often than Blackberry users"
"iPhone users indulge in necrophilia more often than Blackberry users"
Hmmm I don't know have you seen some of the corporate stiffs (pun intended!) with their crackberries? They died years ago but the Blackberry didn't receive that email...
Anyway back to the topic: If some lass at the bar start’s yapping on about how she has an Android phone i would back away as rapidly as I could without making any large movements!
Yep, yep I shall indeed grab my coat under a hail of abuse "sexist pig" etc..
More partners != more sex. Maybe all those iPhone users get through so many partners because those partners quickly get fed up with their iPhones users playing with their iPhones when they coould have been having sex.
Paris, because ... well, surely I don't have to spell it out.
iphone owning lady girls are sluts. at 12:10 they are sharing men, but it doesn't say that if it's in the same session or not.
Also it doesn't say what phone their partners had. I'm guessing they slept with people with an android phone so they had enough signal to call for a taxi afterwards.
With 12 sexual partners for ladies owning iphones, you could never accuse them of holding it wrong could you?
I actually believe that its because iphones have enough of a market to reflect societies average partners. I'm not sure what figure that is though so I might be wrong. Someone on here is bound to know though.
The "study", if we can call it that, measured the number of sexual partners NOT the frequency of sexual activity. More serious studies have shown that people in couples get more action than singles - if we can assume a certain delay between rupture with one partner and finding another then the more partners you've had, the less time you've spent in a relationship and thus the less sex you've had !! So the "study" would seem to show the opposite of what you suggest.
If anything this study shows that single women with iPhones on dating sites are more likely to drop their knickers and could thus be described as more slutty.
... of being part of that selfish elite.
I mean, you probably chose android for one of the popular reasons, viz :
Financial : You are poor
Ideological : You are tedious
You want to be able to SSH into your servers : You are REALLY fucking tedious
None of which are particularly attractive qualities when it comes to getting your end away, eh ?
Just read this with interest to see if anyone has commented on it already.
There are iPhone apps in the app store that let you find other iPhone users near you who are looking for an "encounter". Theres at least 2 or 3 which all share the concept of a thumbnail gallery of people's photos, in order of increasing distance and you're able to start instant message conversations with anyone.
I believe similar services/apps are being rolled out for Blackberry, WinMo and Android but iPhone was definitely the developer's priority and everyone i've gone to "share a coffee" with while out and about, through using the app has indeed been an iPhone user!
Anon, in case you might find me using the app!
Maybe what this means is, if you have an iPhone, you spend so much time playing with it, that you can only have one night affairs. Lots of them. He/she dumps you right after, when , instead of cuddling with him/her, you grab your iPhone.
An android user, on the other hand, gets to keep his/her sexual partner. And still bang a lot. But with the same person :)
You could sleep with 10 prostitutes for the price of an iPhone 4 on contract.
Granted, for that money the women wouldn't be too "fresh". You'd probably have to do it on a dirty mattress while her prospective clients watched, shooting up heroin and whipping you with a length of surgical tubing.
they said that peolpe who sleep around more also tend to blindly follow fashions.
I bet about 50% of the "partners" were had before the iPhone came out.
I had an iPhone, got very little, then got an HTC Hero and got a lot more. Mind you that may have been sympathy sex. I've since replaced it for a Nokia and am still getting plenty :)
I swapped my old iPhone 3G for an Android last year so does that now mean I'm finally settling down?
In any case, I've had more phones than iPhone girls have had guys.
Just need to add up my Nokia's, Motorolas, Ericssons, Sony Ericssons, iPhones and Androids together and you might be able to work out just how much sex I've had.
That's an interesting chart, but I'm not sure what it means. While the difference appears to be statistically significant, it's possible to draw differing conclusions...
Since the chart indicates number of sexual partners, and not necessarily frequency, it's not necessarily a metric for who's getting laid most often, but more cloesly related to who's more likely to give it up on short notice.
So will buying a iPhone help get you laid? Perhaps not. While it does have it's appeal as a status symbol in some circles, it will probably take more than that to close the deal.
It's a known quantity that iPhones are popular with people who find trendy stuff important, and Androids are popular with geeky types, so I'm sure that skews the result... the trendy types are most likely more into going out and being social, and thus collecting more conquests...
Or perhaps hos just prefer iPhones...
But one bit of useful info can be gleaned - as closing time is approaching and it's time to make that last ditch effort, look for the skank tying to drunk dial on her iPhone...
...but the comments are a fascinating sociological study in contemporary attitudes about sex, complete with the requisite slut-shaming, assumptions about fidelity, and speculation about partner selection criteria.
The original OK Cupid correlation is utterly worthless, but the comments here are pure anthropological gold.
I have owned a Panasonic XB70 for 11 years.
During which time I have had sex 4,685,237
( approx., give or take a few powers of 10 ) times.
ALL originating from 1,
repeat 1,
Cost ZERO.
And the vibrator still works when nothing else will !
Paris because she wants one too...