back to article Bound robbery victim IMs for help with toes

An Atlanta woman who was tied to her bed by an armed robber managed to alert her boyfriend by instant messenger - no mean feat since she was obliged to type with her toes. Amy Windom from her Facebook profile According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 39-year-old Amy Windom (pictured) was in bed around midnight on Tuesday …


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    Beer o7

    Amy Windom I salute you o7

  2. Anonymous Coward


    if anyone gets stuck like this by the way, a great way to type with your feet is to hold your second toe down between your big toe and your third toe. You then get the dexterity of your big toe combined with a smaller pad.

    I can manage a good few WPM like this.

  3. Tiny Iota

    The best use yet...

    of Web 2.toe

    I promise I haven't been drinking

  4. Anonymous Coward


    Missed a trick, should have been a footnote.... Kill me now.

  5. Lamont Cranston

    "I flipped my legs over my head and turned off my alarm clock,"

    whilst bound to the bed by her wrists?

    I'll bet she's popular.

    1. gaz 7


      whilst bound to the bed by her wrists?

      I'll bet she's popular.

      ..... not to mention the tricks she could perform with her feet!!

      1. Rob

        Even more popular....

        "whilst bound to the bed by her wrists?

        I'll bet she's popular.

        ..... not to mention the tricks she could perform with her feet!!"

        There's video of women like this on the internet, I think it would fall into the NSFW catergory of links though.

  6. Cameron Colley

    I'd be stuffed.

    I find my password hard enough to type into my EeePC using both hands -- never mind trying to do it with my toes.

  7. Giddy Kipper

    I've seen this sort of thing before

    But it was from the webcam's point of view.

    Excuse me, I just need to pop upstairs for a mo'.

  8. SlackerUK
    Paris Hilton

    OK, I a suspicious bastard...

    Guy breaks in, ties female to bed and misses the laptop that must have been pretty obvious by her feet. After several hours she then contacts boyf....

    1. Colin Miller


      Quoth SlackerUK

      ...misses the laptop that must have been pretty obvious by her feet...

      End quote

      Quoth the article

      Hilton added that his quick-thinking girlfriend held onto her computer because although the intruder was "was interested in her laptop ... she said there was a way to trace it so he shouldn’t take that".

      End quote

      Err. He was interested in the lappy, but was persuaded to think better of it.

      1. Giddy Kipper

        @Colin Miller

        Jeez Colin. It's Friday, it's light hearted (except for the woman involved perhaps). Are you a permanent pedant? Bet you're the life and soul at the Christmas fuddle ...


  9. Anonymous Coward

    “We struggled for some amount of time. He hit me on the head with the gun.”

    That's what my girlfriend said.

    On a serious note, well done Amy.

  10. Sir Runcible Spoon


    Well impressed by this, especially when she typed 'AMBULANCE UNNECESSARY"

    I'll forgive the typo this once, given the circumstances :)

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Searching for booty?

    A booty isn't that hard to find. Maybe he should have rolled her over first.

  12. Einstein's Smarter Brother


    I'm sure there must be a pun about upper-case being equivalent to shouting, but I can't think of one right now

    1. Tim Weigel


      I would think that shouting would indeed be rather appropriate in this circumstance.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      re: CAPS LOCK


  13. Subban


    On the one hand she does sound like she kept her cool and used her noodle. However, she tried to fight the guy with the gun... Not so smart, she got off light with a bonk to the noggin.

    I am suspecting an odd combination of clever lady, acrobatic with suicidal tendencies.

    1. Allan George Dyer


      she didn't know he had a gun until he hit her with it?

  14. Raspy32


    "if anyone gets stuck like this by the way, a great way to type with your feet is to hold your second toe down between your big toe and your third toe. You then get the dexterity of your big toe combined with a smaller pad.

    I can manage a good few WPM like this."

    I'm somewhat intrigued to know howcome you're so skilled with toe-typing....

  15. Nick Pettefar

    Useful Lady

    I have my partner practising these moves already - you never know when they could become useful...

    The woman deserves some kind of reward I think.

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