...you know, it strikes me...
That this is very easy to explain...
BB's use servers run by a US company - which is a no-no in the emirates (we might trade with you offendi, but we dont have to like it!)... Saudis companies & companies from other countries out that way arent keen on respecting british law when they are trading in the UK - so I doubt they are too amused on it being shoved in their faces on their own soil
But more than this the US Government use them - and I wouldnt be surprised if americans 'nose poker'inners' to quote Gen. Melchett use them as well. Now given that its pretty much known that Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 - and 90% of the 9/11 lot were Saudi nationals, whats the betting that the saudi's think that some interesting data might be on its way soon to the USA.?.. information which wouldnt paint them in the best of lights maybe...?
Its interesting that the countries that have either banned or are threatening to ban the BB service are ones that historically havent gotten on well with American Foreign Policy (such as it can be called a policy) and will probably therefore have a few people in deep cover sending interesting little tidbits back home under a nicely encrypted BB link...
The odd thing is that RIM have seemingly bent over and taken it in the proverbial backside - without even offering up more than a token powerpoint whining session. Thats the only part that doesnt really make sense from both a espionage and keeping customers point of view (first the UAE, Saudi rendering expensive kit effectively useless, where is it gonna happen next...?)
I am betting that there is going to be a VW vs. Tatra situation going on here. RIM could sue the Saud & UAE governments for millions over this.. but they dont seem to be... I think someone high up has told them - like Hitler told VW over the T97 Lawsuit - "Don't worry mate, It'll be sorted, just you wait and see..". Hitler solved VW's problem by invading Czechoslovakia, I'm real curious to see what ObamaCo have planned...
After all - the US Govt would be well within its rights to give the Saudi's a right royal kicking what with the way the dominos have lined up over the 9/11 situation and who is to blame. I suspect the pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan might be the prelude to a move on Saudi Arabia...
*Goes to hide in her bomb shelter till it all blows over (or up, as the case may be)*