I'm actually not sure that tapping, "legalised" access by law enforcement, et al. is necessairy to the extent that it was practiced even before you-know-which knee-jerk fest made it ubiquitous. Arrogance I mostly see in the attitude of law enforcement and politicians alike.
I would say it's time for a rethink if I wasn't certain it would, at this point in time, mean more surveillance with even less return per privacy breach, and not less. Looking at that return per privacy breach, however, convinces me that "legalised" wire tapping is of very little value to the current crop of law enforcement officers. Maybe with better officers, but then again they might not really need it either. I wouldn't mind if I knew I could trust all of them, but I know, from ample evidence, I can't. In this case, "some" or even "most" is Just Not Good Enough. In that respect it is time and past time for our fearless leaders and protectors to eat humble pie.