Now we need a chemist
That article mentions H2O2, tang, and HMTD as the detonator, not TATP. Wikipedia mentions you need H2O2, hexamine, and a catalyst like citric acid (of which lots in tang powder). So, if true, the story leaves out hexamine. I recall reading the article and not being convinced, now I know why. About TATP I recall reading a far-too-technical-for-me paper which detailed the four hour thing. I haven't seen any such about HMTD, and I don't see that without hexamine it'll still go boom; not enough nitrogen containing groups. As noted, not a chemist, so this is mostly half-informed guesswork. But at least I now know what it'd take to convince me.
Besides, I'd seen an article on next-gen scanners some score years ago that used colour screens to flag a variety of things including high-N substances. Thought they'd already deployed those like at least a decade ago, which would neatly remove the need for perving scanners and bans on containers full of that high explosive product, DHMO.
As a sidenote: No, I don't care that it's hardly the most important freedom lost. It's yet another insult, chafing. Go ahead, ban a bit more. As far as I'm concerned, those taking away my freedoms are not my friends and cannot be trusted with my safety.