@Dave Bell: Highlights etc.
"Film, generally, can record less brightness range than a digital sensor, colour prints generally the lowest of all"
Not so. From Ken Rockwell's site for reference (http://www.kenrockwell.com/tech/filmdig.htm)...
"DYNAMIC RANGE: Film has a huge advantage in recording highlights. We take for granted the fact that specular highlights and bright sunsets look the way they do in painting and on film. Digital has a huge problem with this (see disadvantages under digital below.) "
Also from wikipedia...
"The dynamic range of sensors used in digital photography is many times less than that of the human eye and generally not as wide as that of chemical photographic media."
This is a noticeable difference in output when moving from a film SLR to a digital SLR - sunset shots can be a real p.i.t.a. at times. Digital's principle advantage is instant feedback which should enable you to overcome the issue (eventually) normally through compromise of some kind - highlights vs shadows, HDR etc.