The Title
"Cudlipp is now selling the historic gnashers becuase (sic) "he feels they should be on public display"."
Then donate them for the war museum.
A set of dentures belonging to Winston Churchill and described as "a vital weapon" in Britain's struggle against Nazism come under the hammer today, the BBC reports. Churchill's dentures Churchill was keen to preserve the distinctive lisp which added essential flavour to his wartime speeches, and enlisted dental technician …
they could fetch £50K. Would you give them away?
It doesn't really matter if they are on public display or not. The fact that Churchill recognised the importance of preserving his distintinctive voice as he addressed the nation by radio is a fascinating insight. This could be illustrated in a museum by showing a contemporary set of false teeth, surely?
Its the story, not the teeth, that matter. I'd sell them to the highest bidder.
Enough already for the simple minded self-assessed wise ones. Shut up.
The entire 20th century was full of murder conducted in the name of atheism which dwarfed the centuries of state sponsored killings in Europe using compliant clerical pollies as an excuse.
Remember the USSR and the Iron Curtain ? Probably not.
Stick to IT subjects and minor bootnotes like this item on Churchills choppers and leave the materialist bigotry off the site.