I'm finding this coverage really rather exciting. I can't wait for the next article.
So when do you reckon it'll be airbourne?
Work continues apace down at the Paper Aircraft Released Into Space (PARIS) workshop, where we've been looking at just how to skin our Vulture 1-X vehicle. Before we get to that, though, we're delighted to announce that our audacious upper atmosphere project now officially exists, because Wikipedia says so. Lovely. Now, on …
In my distant youth I used to build balsa wood planes skinned with tissue. The tissue was somewhat stronger than the stuff you buy at the newsagent and there was a special solvent based dope for it.
You skinned the plane, sprinkled a little water on the tissue to shrink it and then doped the skin. The result (most times) was a tight, tough, wrinkle free skin. The dope added a lot of toughness.
"In my distant youth I used to build balsa wood planes skinned with tissue"
Same here.
"You skinned the plane, sprinkled a little water on the tissue to shrink it and then doped the skin. The result (most times) was a..."
A very stoned Mahatma. Glue-sniffing modellers. Gah.
<-- Flame because you couldn't dope tissue and smoke at the same time.
Looks OK, but I'm somewhat puzzled by the use of PVA. A shrinking dope would surely be better since it will pull the skin nice and tight. If you're concerned about the amount of shrinkage putting the skin under too much tension then don't - you can vary the amount of shrinkage,
I've even come across people going so far as to use different amount of shrinkage on different panels in order that the tension will alter the shape of the structure. Going a bit far if you ask me.
Tissue is not so feeble once it's been shrunk and doped - did you get as far as trying that? I'd be trying it, myself. I can't help feeling you're adding a lot of mass with the thicker paper skin. The idea is to support things on the frame and use the skin to provide rigidity.
You can still poke a hole through it, but it's pretty strong and you'll sort out the wrinkles at the same time.
When it comes the strength you can get tissue with directional "grain". To make a strong covering with this you can layer it with the grain running at right angles. You can also change the angle for different effects or increase the number of layers. The world is your lobster.
One thing to watch out for is that this stuff doesn't necessarilly shrink the same amount along and accross its grain when treated with a shrinking dope.
The best paper for this kind of stuff is the so called "rice paper" which used to be used by draftsmen for copying stuff around a drawing. Try that - it is lighter than normal 80, much stronger than 80 and you really need to break the stupidometer by driving it off the scale to wrinkle that.
The accuracy and integrity of the Wiki can not be doubted - indeed, it is most likely that the name "Vulture 1" has something, a vague something perhaps but a likelihood no less, to do with the vulture logo. I'm guessing. Maybe you need to join the talk page and add a little something.
I love how El Reg has embraced the greatest of IT traditiions by sticking 2010 as part of the version and logo.
A date that is surely destined to slip (if IT tradtition is to be followed).
Unless 2010 doesn't relate to the year, and is some other relevant number ?
Grams weight of the vehicle?
Metres from launch point expected to crash (sorry, land) ?
Number of ants carried ?
I, and I think I speak for most Reg readers on this, would like to see a lot more high-res, detailed pictures of Paris's bare skin, shot from all angles and (preferably) in good light, although the light is a secondary consideration. If you could possibly get together a video covering the entire area of skin, that would be even better.
possibly lester can get his hands on a CO2 fire extinguisher - give it a good solid blast from that and it should get pretty darn cold right quick. alternatively, get your hands on some dry ice/liquid nitrogen and an esky? should be available, and -200 odd degrees should be colder than you will see in the atmosphere.
<-- good pub engineering this.
I too built balsa planes in my youth and recall doping tissue paper very well. At one point in the '80s, I tried a shrink-wrap plastic covering which was light, very colourful and easy to apply. While these coverings would almost certainly be lighter than normal paper and PVA, I think they might stress the straws too much. Balsa 'gives', straws buckle. If you can afford the weight, go with what you've got.
propietary name solar film i believe
yes i was right.!
it's the mutts nuts for what you are about - you can vary the tension my varying the heat you apply.
also as noted elsewhere - you need to dope the paper properly to relalt test this, i tjhink we used to use buturate dope? few coats of that and you'll have no problems with water.
it doesn't really have to fly... It is only a Paper Aircraft Released In Space (or close enough) That says nothing about acutally having to fly... infact if recovery is intended then a really poor glide slope would help a lot. just imaging how far you'd have to drive if it achieves a 1:35 glide slope.. (I know it can't achieve that initially, but hey, do the maths for fun!)