Its a well known fact that ...
... the nastier you are the better response you get. One paragraph of invective often gets a better response than a full page of softly softly. Just saying.
Been a while since I received an ANGRY EMAIL – and been never since I sent one in return. I do my SHOUTING in person. My advice to ANGRY EMAILERS is this: don’t write drunk, arsehole. But if you must, and you lack all self control, check out this anger-o-meter. It may save you from shame, lost friends, lost jobs and found …
I find being polite but forceful (not to be confused with rude/aggressive) - laying out case and what I want them to do gets the best results.
I have watched people get "aggressive" with sales staff and think they get a good deal out of it - but they aren't usually bright enough to do the sums which show the staff rip them off with while seeming to capitulate
I don't think this is the first such system. We had something similar at a place I once worked at, which gave you a score of 1 to 5 on how offensive an email was before giving you the option to send or retract it.
Rather predictably in a standard UK office environment, within 5 minutes this deteriorated into a contest to see who could send the most offensive email and hit the magic top score.
It wouldn't be the "end" of the forums, it would just mean that those who haven't got the ability to write a cohesive argument wouldn't be able to post.
Posts like "MS software sucks bollox" would be blocked (even though it's true). It would certainly keep the flame-wars down.
Is there a recipient version? It would send the email back to the sender with an attached maths / science problem. If they are unable to solve the problem, then their email is not delivered.
I have precious little time already without stupid people using some of it.
Oh what am I doing here? Trying to distract myself before I go completely nuts. OK I'll go...
My 5 year old copy of Eudora 7 does this for free. And it rates the emails with chili peppers. I think the worst I ever got was 3 chilis for a REMOVE I sent. It seemed to do a fairly good analysis because there was minimal cursing, mainly threats of reporting to Spamcop and the FTC.
... you wouldn't want your momma (mum to you Brits) to hear or read.
That being said, if I send an angry, pissed off email you better believe I want it to be taken that way. Being a retired old curmudgeon and decades old flamer, I have no problem in burning certain bridges and in fact get great pleasure from it. May do the situation absolutely no good except that at least one worthless individual knows he's been tagged. You just have to know when it's best to remain silent and then do so. The rest are fair game and for me it's open frakkin' season on the idiots of the world.
"I prefer 'Arse' to 'Ass' --
Arsehole has a better ring to it"
Those stupid Americans can't spell for toffee. Someone tried to make it easier for them by taking letters out of words (eg "Armour" has no "u" in America)
Unfortunately, when the letters were removed and juggled around, so was the common sense. I mean "ass" - that's a fecking donkey and we all know it. Except Americans who think it's a bottom.
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