Think before acting
“We were looking at innovative and modern ways to communicate with citizens at reduced costs and online transactions are the cheapest way to do this,” said Tameside’s ICT assistant exec director Norman Crawford in FoI response
Really? Because I'm sure given 20 minutes or so, pretty much everyone on this website could come up with a plethora of ways to communicate with the citizens of Manchester for far less than £36,665 pa. For crying out loud, for that money, I'd walk around the town centre wearing a sandwich board and reach more people than this bunch of morons.
And how does £36,665 make online transactions cheap?!? Congratulations you bunch of morons, you've blown ££6,665 and have absolutely NOTHING to show for it. I never even understood how items in Sadville are actually worth anything anyway. An actual statue of a bloke on a horse, absolutely, I get that, but for something which doesn't actually exist and can be replicated many times over in a second, no, sorry, that's bollocks.
In all honesty, in my day job as a web developer, I don't understand how some things cost so much. Domain names for example. OK, registering new ones, that's fine, but when some goddamn loner camps on a domain we suddenly decide we want, and its worth several grand! But this, even this is more understandable than a virtual statue. Even though there are an infinite number of domains, like car number plates, there can only be one of each, so good ones can command a value, but seriously, stories I've heard from colleagues about £50,000+ being paid... well, it boggles the mind.