Snort! Guffaw! Fnarr-fnarr!
"Jeffrey Weiner". Hu hu...chortle...
A lone, predatory cross-dresser has been cautioned for outraging public decency after having sex with a dog in the moat of an English Heritage castle, the Telegraph reports. The incident at Henry VIII's Pendennis Castle, which overlooks Cornwall's Falmouth Bay, took place at "around a quarter to 12" on Saturday 10 July, when …
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"See-a da town. I build-a da town."
"Do they call me Mario da town-builder? No."
"See-a da road? I build-a da road."
"Do they call me Mario da road-builder? No."
"See-a da harbour? I build-a da harbour."
"Do they call me Mario da harbour-builder? No."
"But you shag-a da one sheep..."