back to article Cross-dresser shags mutt at historic castle

A lone, predatory cross-dresser has been cautioned for outraging public decency after having sex with a dog in the moat of an English Heritage castle, the Telegraph reports. The incident at Henry VIII's Pendennis Castle, which overlooks Cornwall's Falmouth Bay, took place at "around a quarter to 12" on Saturday 10 July, when …


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  1. thefutureboy

    Snort! Guffaw! Fnarr-fnarr!

    "Jeffrey Weiner". Hu hu...chortle...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Every day's a school day.

      Weiner. Pronounced Why-ner.

      Had it have been spelled Wiener I would concur.

      In these instances it's the second letter of the 'ei/ie' combination is the pronounced letter.

      Wow. I actually learned something from being forced to take German in school.

      1. R.P.Charlie

        Weiner. Pronounced Why-ner.

        Whyning about alleged wiener seems to be the lawyer's case in point.

      2. Bill Fresher
        Thumb Down


        In America it's pronounced "Wee-ner", not "Why-ner".

        1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

          Re: American

          'Commentard' is pronounced 'why-ner', though.

          1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

            Re: Re: American

            (Not you. Just in general. I had to go there.)

  2. JakeyC

    Provocatively named Christie Brinkley

    ex-One Show presenter taken to Florida vet's?

    1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      No, the former Mrs Billy Joel...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Its a caution for actually going boning (pun intended) a dog. Jail time under extreme porn laws for anyone "only" having a video of it... Makes sense for English law I guess...

    1. TimeMaster T

      As much sense as ..

      the US laws;

      Shag a dog==5 years

      drug and shag a 13 year old==90 days "psychiatric evaluation"

  4. Jacqui
    Thumb Down


    so no arrest and no names - must have been a politician of a police officer.

  5. g e

    We await

    The poignant and tasteful Playmobil reconstruction!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle


    yet (cue obligatory IT angle) being in possession of an image of the same (even if both parties consented) would result in jail?

  7. Smallbrainfield

    Miami lawyer "Jeffrey Weiner"

    Horatio Caine (removing sunglasses): "It's a dog's life." YEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHH!

  8. Anonymous Coward


    "cautioned for outraging public decency after having sex with a dog"

    Fortunately only a caution as it is clearly a lesser crime than if someone had photographed the events and "made an image" on a pc.

    1. Tom 35

      or worse

      Draw a cartoon of it...

    2. Graham Wilson
      Thumb Up



      World's mad, isn't it?

  9. harryhedgehog
    IT Angle


    ...I must be blind...where exactly is the IT angle here?

    1. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: IT?

      Wow, you're the second commentard in two minutes I am going to have to kill.


      Somebody tell him.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Just don't video that

        I don't want to have to be smuggling files inside cakes for you.

        Mmmmm, cake..... :-)

      2. peyton?

        Make IT? a trap

        Including the IT? icon could automatically redirect the (lowest form of) commentards to the new guidelines, with an added #18) Thou shalt not question the IT angle.

        Or redirect them to some sort of goatse page - either way.

      3. Anonymous John

        "IT?" icon

        Why not remove it? It only encourages them. And it would leave room for a Playmobil one.

    2. Anomalous Cowturd

      It's in Bootnotes Dummy!

      Deary deary me, will they never learn?

      There you go Sarah. You deserve a rest after all that hard work you put in yesterday on the elReg commentard guidelines. Have a beer on your way home! My shout.


    3. Cazzo Enorme

      re: IT?

      It's on the Internets.

    4. C Yates

      You're either a troll or a moron...


  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. envmod

    IT angle?

    wait - is this not bestiality monthly?


  12. Anonymous Coward

    giving the dog a bone.

    Heading to the cloakroom now.

    1. Andus McCoatover

      Judge Dredd..

      Old Mrs. Hubbard

      Went to the cupboard

      To give poor Rover a bone.

      When she bent over,

      Rover came over

      And gave her a bone of his own...

      (God, I don't believe I remembered that!)

      (I'll also definitely get my summer coat)

      1. TimeMaster T

        Well ...

        That might explain a lot about her son, L. Ron.

      2. JimmyPage

        ... more like Judge Dreddful

        (gets coat)

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        Re: Judge Dredd

        Just being slightly pedantic, but it's "Judge Dread"... The song was "Big 7" and the lyrics are:

        Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get the poor doggy a bone

        When she bent down the dog came around and he gave her a bone of his own

        Must dig out my old Judge Dread tapes...

  13. LinkOfHyrule

    The dog was no doubt...

    The dog was no doubt microchiped - there's your IT angle those of you needing one!

    I normally laugh at stories like these but the one with the cross-dresser in the moat with the dog is just too strange! You couldn't make it up!

    1. BigAlly

      New business venture

      I claim the rights to "Cluedo - Perverts edition"

  14. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    And They Call IT.....

    ....PUPPY LUURVE.............

    ...well there is an 'it' in the lyrics

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

  16. TkH11


    I don't think bonking a dog can be classed as "predatory". You're stretching things there.

    1. The Beer Monster

      stretching things...

      That's what the vet said.

    2. Graham Wilson

      @TkH11 - Would be if it didn't consent or enjoy it!

      Would be if it didn't consent or enjoy it!

  17. ian 22

    Is this what bestiality has come (cough) to?

    Will no one think of the sheep? That mutt was a right munter (or vice-versa).

  18. Anonymous Coward


    Or it didnt happ...

    Oh fuck it, Rover, come here. Now where did i put my camcorder...

  19. Kubla Cant

    Isn't this what people mean...

    when they talk about going dogging?

  20. TkH11

    Devon, Cornwall

    If you'd lived in Devon or Cornwall, then, well, the females are a bit thin on the ground and not much to look at anyway, you know, people get desperate.

    1. Anonymous Coward


      Oi! My missus comes from Devon

      Oh, hang on, we met after she'd moved to Sussex...

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    If you need me, I'll be in my lab.

  22. The Beer Monster

    IT Angle? Commentards

    Stuff in the Bootnotes section isn't always about IT.

    Quit yer bitchin'.

    Is that OK, Ms Bee?

  23. Uk_Gadget

    Poor dogs....

    ...Bet they were feeling ruff...

  24. Anonymous Coward

    It's the cats I feel sorry for

    They must feel "put out" at nights!

  25. This post has been deleted by its author

  26. william henderson 1

    get down

    Shep, its not a bone!

  27. Eddy Ito

    From the dept of double entendre

    Screwed the pooch, then eh.

  28. proto-robbie

    "Look-a down there"

    "See-a da town. I build-a da town."

    "Do they call me Mario da town-builder? No."

    "See-a da road? I build-a da road."

    "Do they call me Mario da road-builder? No."

    "See-a da harbour? I build-a da harbour."

    "Do they call me Mario da harbour-builder? No."

    "But you shag-a da one sheep..."

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