How not?
If they were collecting SSIDs, how could the "software" not gather all "payload" packets? Special filter forgotten to be activated? Sounds doubtful.
More to the point, ad nauseum, is why did Google see a need to be about collecting SSIDs, or any other wireless information while photographing the neighborhood(s)?
Specifically targeted spam^H^H^H^H Unsolicited Commercial Email.
Just a theory, but if you live in a specific demographic neighborhood, and they *only* wanted your SSID, and then *accidentally* picked up your ISP, and account information, sending you direct email on behalf of <insert name of local or national advertising client here> would fit nicely into a clever plan of advertising revenue generation.
I suspect the theory being that if their client's email gets past our spam filters, we might be persuaded or influenced by the UCE.
(Black Adder reference alert> A plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel.
The lawyers will make a deal to drop everything once they know the fix is in, money will change hands. Nothing to see here folks,<except another path for the inexorable stream of spam> move along.