Just off the....
....top of my head but I would guess OLED, the combination of visual quality and light weight plus the fact it would be a marketing coup big time for Sharp if they get the engineering/price right.
Sharp is to enter the e-book reader market. The Japanese company isn't saying much about what kind of devices it will offer, only that they will display files in the XMDF - "ever-eXtending Mobile Document Format" - files, tweaked to allow video and audio content to be embedded and presented, as well as the text and still that …
"capabilitites: if they can show video, they'll surely come with colour screens with high refresh rates. That suggests LCD or OLED rather than E Ink."
For those following this technology, you would have seen Mirasol - MEMS optic devices that work like butterfly wings (apparently) changing the optical resonant cavity to change colour. This is the full frame rate colour equivalent of eink and I for one can't wait to get my hands on an ereader with this tech in it. Video that looks like print - now that would be sweet.
if features and price point dont balance out nicely... thanks to apple the days of high expense e-readers are dead.
Strange i am listening to Darth Vader's theme whilst thinking about apple :p
(but i am also typing this on my mac book pro - so i find my own lack of faith disturbing)
Constraining the device to ereader only will enhance the market, if they go for an all singing and dancing device then the price will encroach on the Tablet devices. Let's face it most people are not going to lash out $300-$400 for something that you can read a book with. Get that price point down to the $100 level and you will own the market.