"After 9 months he'd obtained no information" according to the FBI
leaving his use of MS software aside, what about as a spy?
The alleged "12th man" in the Russian spy ring broken up by the FBI earlier this month was a software tester at Microsoft's Redmond headquarters. Alexey Karetnikov, 23, was deported without court proceedings yesterday after admitting he was in the US in violation of immigration law, according to the Department of Homeland …
>>"According to a Facebook page matching Karetnikov's biography, before Microsoft he worked for "Neobit". According to Bloomberg, a St Petersburg company called "OOO NeoBIT" lists Karetnikov's university and the Russia's domestic spy agency, the FSB, as partners."
So what made people suspicious about him then?
Was it the anarchist's black cape, or the way he ended each sentence 'Bwahaha!"
Complete deal, all source code, and the rights to share it, and conclusions about it, with other security bodies, outside the FSB:
They may have got hold of Vista as well, or they may have skip-released it, but they did the same thing with Windows XP, 8 years ago. (It can be assumed that Microsoft is as forthcoming with the secret services of more overtly-friendly governments, but it is somewhat telling that we know much less about those deals, than we do about deals with the FSB.)
...So, whatever this lad was up to, it certainly hadn't anything to do with stealing Microsoft source code.
Giving state secrets away - how very un-American
Here is one reason why no respect should be shown to Mr sweaty fail.
2 image searches:-
1: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=steve%20ballmer&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi
2. http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=linus+torvalds&aq=0&aqi=g2&aql=&oq=Linus+to&gs_rfai=
Standard fifth-column technique. Reduce the productivity of the enemy. Annoy him, tie him up with silly details and problems, sap his morale, use up his energy.
Doesn't Windows fits the bill exactly? Could it all have been *intentional*?
Pass my coat: it's the one with the International Linux Passport in the pocket!
So the Russians can go over to America and commit crimes on American soil and they get..... Sent back to Russia without so much as an anal probing from bubba?
Yet Gary McKinnon did some immature "hacking" from British soil and they want to have him extradited then hung drawn and quartered.
Go Figure Politics huh. 1 rule for some and a completely different rule for others.