In other news...
... "Big tech company uses someones ideas and claims them as their own when someone else uses them after" ...
Lets face it, most of Apple's tech is bought, borrowed, stolen, cajoled. Sure, they create their own stuff too, but what they are really good at, is putting the ideas together in a cohesive, and *sometimes* groundbreaking way.
It's a crazy analogy, but I liken them to David Bowie (back when he was good) - he was the ultimate musical magpie, taking the cultural zeitgeist and "re-inventing" it - take what's good out there and making it better.
Perhaps a better analogy would be the Asian market of 30 to 40 years ago - taking western ideas, perfecting them and eventually making products better, cheaper and quicker - although with apple, cheaper and quicker don't apply ;)
All Google are doing is what Microsoft and Apple are doing - they've got the momentum and the finances to do whatever they like. They can hire the best and brightest. They can buy out smaller companies and leverage the tech.
I think it great, because it proves that there's always competition, innovation and a bit of dirty laundry to air.
You'd think that these behemoths (Google, Microsoft, Apple) would stifle innovation - on paper, that would seem to be the case. The reality is, they encourage innovation, because there's hundreds of smaller companies hoping to get their ideas to market, tripping over themselves for some venture capital, even if it means being consumed. Heck, if I had a small successful start-up and Google offered me huge swathes of cash for it, I'd jump at the chance.
Jobs is just being Jobs - an irritating egocentric. Perhaps he is a genius, but with all genius, comes madness - it seems apparent he's borderline.
Google are more microsoft than Apple, which is why both Apple and microsoft fear them.
For the rest of us, the "do no evil" mantra? - I'd have to agree with Jobs on that, pure marketing bollocks - but then, that's good old black pot / kettle territory...