There's 80,000 of them: I suspect there's more than one who doesn't know a bit of grammar.
The real problem, is that there are around 1,000 people, in the top positions in that company, who do not know how to *affect* an *effect* in the marketplace (spell it how you want, it still smells the same) and yet that these same1,000 people seem to feel no compunction about sharing out around a billion dollars (of the 10 billion, that comes in, each year), amongst themselves, as a *performance* *related* bonus.
That's right. Just over 1% of the people take 10% of the money - before anything else has been costed, or any shareholders are paid - despite the fact that most of them are running fantasy product groups. Would that engender any affection in you, or would its effects be more akin to what you see in the comments section of that blog?
As I say, the real tragedy is that, week after week, month after month, Whodapunk posts his latest ruminations on the blog, and week after week , month after month, commenters name names and point fingers, and help each other identify "the problem", and yet nothing every happens. Nothing ever will. Not as a result of that blog, at least. Really, they should all just up and leave - walk away and let the hairspray department try and run things on their own. Remember: cool guys don't look at explosions.