Why is this considered news and who gives a shit?
A Conservative MP has revealed that a Kensington and Chelsea hospital hired out one of its wards for the shooting of a "big budget" porno, the BBC reports. Penny Mordaunt, member for Portsmouth North, informed fellow parliamentarians of the incident during a Commons debate yesterday on "improving transparency in government …
I wonder if the 'actresses' have bigger dugs in the BUPA wing?? Perhaps they could mix it up with a bit of a Carry On, Doctor theme and get some Hattie Jacques look-a-like to inject a Kenneth Williams-a-like up the 'arris with a massive thingumyjig. I'd pay to see that!*
Anyway, we need a Playmobil reconstruction... and quick!
*Actually, I just read that back and I'm not so sure now.
VArious trusts across the country hire out unused wards for all sorts of things like TV dramas and films.
But it had some people fucking in it!!! ZOMG this is all wrong NOOOOOOO!
Won't someone think of the children?
Really, it brought money in to the trust and helped offset the cost of leaving a ward empty.
I can't see a problem here.
>She quipped: "Although I cannot claim to have seen the final picture - as I understand, these
>things are no longer claimable on parliamentary expenses
Shame that...
Still - what's the issue? As long as no deception or illegal activity took place it's hardly anything to get steamed up about.
I say congratulations to the hospital for finding a use for it's facilities that I have helped pay for.
A sensetivity about sex on the wards and hygene but then for a "Big budget" company the err...actors and actresses will have regular checks, lots of precautions and generally be healthier than most and there will be far worse things spreading around your average hospital ward so meh, as long as it was deep cleaned before being put back into use, rock on :)
Though I'd have to see the film in question to form a full opinion :)
" it was a big-budget affair and generated substantial income for the hospital [...] it cannot be said to be contributing to the objectives of the primary care trust."
If it generated substantial income for the hospital, that was money they could re-invest in meeting their clinical objectives. Sounds pretty good to me - if the NHS has assets lying idle that can be put to work supplementing the taxpayer, why not?
Of course, what they *actually* spent the money on was probably a full-time film liason manager on £50k a year + car, but you can dream can't you?
The NHS has really missed a trick here. Should have got in some of the action to get the money's worth !
Patients with erectile dysfunction ? "Look ! Do what he's doing !"
Couple with boring love-lifes ? "Look - do what they're doing !"
Junior gynaecologists ? "Look, that's what one looks like - once he gets his head out the way !"
Trainee hospital porters ? "Clean up on bed #7 !"
Micro-biology department ? "Study this - bet you can't tell us what she had for breakfast !"
A lot of NHS places hire out their buildings for use by film crews. If the government are going to expect decisions on whether to hire out to be made on the quality or subject of the film being made, we may be doomed. For example, I was disappointed with '28 Days Later'. Should I write to an appropriate MP and express my concern that an NHS Trust got money by hiring out one of its wards for the film?
That's the real question. We have significant waiting lists for in-patient ops - granted it's better than it was (one thing NuLab did get half-right was improving waiting times for ops), and improved op methods mean less stuff needs in-patient stays, but there are still waiting lists. So if there's wards free and there's patients waiting, why doesn't the hospital have enough staff to do the work in those wards?
That said though, if the ward *is* unused, then no real harm in renting it out, whatever it's used for.
Apparently 'Pirate Video Deluxe: Xtreme Desires' is apparently the "movie" in question. I would imaging that if they tried to arrange a hospital based pr0n flick these days they would fail to obtain insurance against cast infections - primarily MRSA & C-Diff!
Paris 'cos she knows something about grumble flicks...