back to article Regional banking Trojans sneak past security defences

Cybercrooks have developed regionally-targeted banking Trojans that are more likely to slip under the radar of anti-virus defences. Detection rates for regional malware vary between zero and 20 per cent, according to a study by transaction security firm Trusteer. This company markets browser security add-ons to banks, which …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    be safe

    It's slightly more of a hassle (ie a reboot when you need to do some banking), but windows users should really consider using a Linux live cd to boot into for banking transactions.

    unless your bank insists you use IE6 of course.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Good idea...

      ...but too late.

      The banks have already taken our money and will help themselves to more, as and when necessary (and often when not necessary). Tough luck carders. It would be nice if our would grow a set and jail them, but then they'd lose much of their funding.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    one+ problem with that

    Is if your freshly installed and booted server gets infected before you open firefox and connect to your bank. Also possible is a hacked DNS resolver in your dsl/cable modem... A liveCD install won't protect you from that.

  3. dreamingspire

    Phishers offering fake banking security protection

    There is now a regular drip of phishing emails offering HSBC's new online security software for download...

  4. Stewart Wood

    I dont Like Rapport

    Rapport seems to just make systems very unstable to the point of making them slow to an unusable crawl

    I seen it happen on Mine, my friends, my parents PCs where its been installed and just made the systems unusable then I get the call "My PC running slow, and unusable at times"

    After removal of the Vile software the systems fixed

    its down in my book as Security bloat ware for what it is

    it uses stupid amounts of RAM and CPU even if your browser is Not Running

  5. adamsh

    What is new about it?

    These kind of attacks have been observed since more than ten years. The idea behind is to publish many different implementations of the same or very similar malware, each implementation is spread very seldom (10 to 50).

    So this malware will be always hidden under the RADAR of most security firms as occurrences of each are too few to trigger any reaction.

    Often far worse compromised systems are regarded clean and trustworthy, as magic scanner xyz did not reccoggnize an malware on them --- with desastrous results.

    Assembler/machine language gave as the first option to implement polymorphous code, the macro language(s) of the Office packets made it easier, and JRE includign JIT gave us a working development enivronment on every PC for polymorphous malicious code?

    Remarks, HA

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