Sorry ?
What is this nonsense ? It is not because a plugin has a new version that my "old" version has all of a sudden become a liability.
On the other hand, the new version may well have a change in functionality that does not suit my needs immediately, and I might need some time to adapt to the new functionality.
Apparently, that does not matter for Google. It will block the plugin I have and basically force me to install the new one before I'm ready.
Google is decidedly looking more and more like a net-nanny. Now Google is deciding what apps you can and should have on your Android, and will helpfully force you to accept or do without whatever Google decides you need or don't need. Shortly, Google will force plugin versions on Chrome users whether they like it or not. And, in a few years, it'll be Google whitelisting web sites and Chrome users won't be able to visit any other.
Well I have only one thing to say to all this : you know what happens to a nanny, Google ?
Kids outgrow them, and go on to do stuff their way.