Isn't this all irevellent soon anyway?
Three use T-Mobile to provide their 3G
T-Mobile and Orange have just merged and are consolidating their networks.
In other words, it will be 3/Orange/T-Mobile vs 02 and Vodaphone.
Orange has been told not to claim in its adverts that its 3G mobile broadband network "covers more people in the UK" than any other operator's network does - at least without defining 'coverage' more tightly. The judgement, from the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), follows a complaint from rival carrier Three, which …
...will mean 3&T-Mobile&Orange Vs Vofaone&O2, as the later two are doing something very similar to 3 and T-Mob. If they ever get round to it...
And when Orange and T-Mobile merge those products will still remain, thouh the parent company will beome "Everything Everywhere". Or perhaps "Nothing Nowhere".
Who cares? 3G broadband is absolutely useless anyway.
From my house I can *see* an Orange mast and a Three mast. They're in the field adjoining the next street over.
Sounds like the perfect distance to me - easily close enough, but not so close that the phone's overwhelmed.
With both operators I have full signal but only get ~40kB/s down. Even at 2am. My housemate gets the same with a USB dongle on Orange.
The maximum i've ever seen was 100kB/s down. In one memorable event my housemate managed to watch a show on iPlayer when the wind was blowing the right direction.
What's the bloomin' point? the middle of London I struggle to get a signal, get dropped or garbled calls yada yada. Oh in some places it's fine but walk round the corner or onto the towpath at the Lock and nada..
Oh and it's been the same since I had a Sony k810i and now with the (allegedly) contentious iPhone 3GS (without and now with the iOS4 upgrade - no difference AFAIK).
Same in my flat, I have to stand by the window to guarantee a stable signal.