Real X-rays?
Not T-ray perv scan images?
No2ID, get moving.
The German tentacle of display outfit EIZO has come up with a provocative pin-up calendar which shows that female beauty is indeed more than skin deep: The EIZO calendar's Miss July Nice. This 2010 calendar was for some reason released in June, but there are still plenty of months left to promote EIZO's "medical imaging …
The soft-tissue detail is all wrong. I assume someone has melded the images of a skeleton & a woman from his CGI library. And I think he used a male skeleton, judging by the angle of the pubic rami. Bone density is very odd too. But IANAR (I am not a radiologist)
I almost don't know what to say. I will say this, if there is someone out there that seriously wants to or likes to or gets off on looking at (ETC) photos / "pin-ups" of skeletonized versions of women, this world is worse than I thought. First it was lame cartoons, now it's women portrayed as something that look like something that just crawled out of a flippin coffin. Am I the only person that thinks this is sick and twisted? Who the heck came up with this idea? I just don't know what else to say. It's a damn shame.
...I'll bite, since you didn't use the Joke icon I'll cautiously assume you are serious.
While I can't speak for anyone else, personally I didn't find anything arousing about these pics. Did you? What I did find was a clever pastiche of the semi-porn cliche that is the Pirelli calendar, and one that provoked some introspection on the whole business of porn and the intrinsic nature of the human animal that is its centrepiece.
If you truly feel that either the publishing or the appreciation of this calendar is indicative of society's descent (rather than, I dunno, whole countries being enslaved by corrupt mass-murderers so we can enjoy cheap consumer-goods), then I welcome your well-reasoned and insightful reply.
"Am I the only person that thinks this is sick and twisted?"
Much as it pains me to admit it, no you probably aren't. But you'll probably find more kindred spirits over at http://www.dailmail.co.uk/ than here.