Generate a tremendous charge of psychokinetic energy
Points for naming a tune and a Doctor Who episode with that quote.... anyway...
Is it me (probably not) or do all these Pavlovian apple owners live in some kind of technology bubble where only what apple says it makes is ever invented and only invented when apple release it?
I can't think of anything new except maybe for getting to mass market with a touchphone (or were they not first there either) that they have actually made. Everything else they were years behind on except perhaps marketing.
3G, sms-forwarding, video recording - all stuff my ancient Nokia 3210 does and most of its predecessors. Somehow apple fitted these to its gear as breakthrough technology.
Well. It is if you use tech that far behind the times, it's a breakthrough to THAT.
So now video calling is some kind of damned breakthrough. Jesus.
Anyway, we all know that it's nothing like even a recent breakthrough and it really pretty old hat stuff which leaves the faithful apple acolytes being sold 10-year old tech as rocket science.
Perhaps the real genius in apple's success is that they found a niche market no-one else had - selling old tech in shiny boxes to the technically illiterate and convincing them they were now somehow at the cutting edge of everything with features never before seen.
Perhaps that's why the slavering apple public leave such an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I've never suffered fools, even gladly.
Watch the apple fifty cent army jump on this one... I called them thickies.