I must admit I am confused here.
A back up solution.
Are we talking backup to external media or the Cloud BS?
Years ago novels predicted that we would evolve into a race that lived in moving chairs and if fallen out would probably die.
Who would know that that* prediction would go digital.
If you are using UNIX then you know cron; if you are using MS then you do not have a clue.
I just broke my own damn argument.
I was not thinking.
We here do not need this BS.
But 'Joe Streetperson' does. Joe Streetpersron has just been talked into a new computer and he has been told that that computer could actually help him.
But that would be personal.
If Joe Streetperson works for a corporation that has an IT group that can lead him into the paths of right thinking.
Then Joe streetperson does not need this at all.
Somebody else has been paid to handle his backup.
Somebody else has to be smart enough to do this right.
And yeah, I think we all have figured out how to back up a f**king hard drive by now.
Bottom f**king line.
My back up where I work is based off of some arcane language called DOS*.
I wrote this batch file. It is a simple batch file and I would have thought it was really (I do not consider myself to be that smart) kind of common.
(Hello; leave a disk in the drive and at 12:01 write out changes; you don't do this?*)
For Joe Streetperson this is important.
For the rest of us this is highly embarrassing; and hello, if you are not embarrassed by this issue then enhale.
You can learn; do not ever turn the mind off.
*Using "that that" in a sentence' well hell just Goggle it.
*And why in the hell do we not tell the simple users that they should do this?
*In XP the DOS is the new UNIX.
*If I get this out of order then (who cares, I am not getting paid for this and enjoy my vodka).