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Survey ended


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  1. Smite the Unbeliever

    Movies per month...

    Does that include the ones shown on the telly, and should the price paid per month include the licence fee if so?

  2. Steve Adams

    Why "considering expanding our movie coverage" ?

    Re: "Now we are considering expanding our movie coverage"


    Some possible reasons plus questions which arise:

    - It's something we perceive our current audience is demanding - based upon what?

    Based on what?

    Who are you going to get to cover movies for you?

    Do you feel this is an area not adequately covered by hundreds of existing media/publications/websites/podcasts?

    - We are trying to grow our readership base and diversify into entertainment coverage so we can sell more/better/different adds about.... er... movies (and stuff)!

    Oh Dear - won't that dilute the excellent IT++ coverage (e.g. rather like the odd and unbalanced "Climate Change Septic" coverage does) and detract value from our lovely traditional IT focused and unique El Reg?

    - Some of our journos reckon they can get free press passes into movies and pick up free movie tat (and stuff) if we put up a decent enough charade of movie coverage

    OK - that's more like it... had me worried there for a while

    Seriously though El Reg... Why?

    1. David Gosnell
      IT Angle


      Certainly backs up previously discussed observations that "Reg Hardware" has become a misnomer with this increasing lifestyle angle. Don't really see why not films if games are already included, but it will mark it as high time for a site name change.

  3. petronivs


    I'm sure a large part of this survey is oriented towards your UK readers, but don't forget that a large part of your US readership rents/downloads movies from Netflix.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    limited choice

    Which movie genre do you most love watching?

    Where's the porn category?

    where's the "movies with lots of IT hardware" category?

  5. garetht t

    From where do you most often rent or download your movies?

    Now - there has to be a reason "torrents" was left out of that list.. Am curious.

  6. M7S

    Format info

    If you're going to do it, and I'm not sure it will work for El Reg, much as I love you all and want to bear your children (passing on the genes of the Dominatrix should be regarded as a public service) then please as things are released/re-released/re-mastered, give the technical info about the discs so that we know, for example, if a blu-ray of a particular film is any better than the DVD or if the encoding is the same so that its just marketing/pricing hype.

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