"Netbooks aside"... Well wait a minute, Netbooks are really popular. So your saying just disregard this segment of the market and never mind that your software product causes their machine to page swap with disc like crazy when running your program slowing down the entire machine ?
A LOT of laptops just just a few years ago are not gonna do 4GB of ram ever. So count them out of the picture for your product too ?
And then there is the whole world of zillions of older machines that have 1GB of ram or even older ones at 512MB. The entire world of used machines.. Many people have no idea how to upgrade ram and will never do that.
And let me make sure I understand here.. Its all for search ? Well guess what, I use search once every 3-6 months.
I have 16,000 emails going back to 1991 in my thunderbird 2.0 running on a 1Ghz 512MB laptop and it searches them all just fine. In fact it searches them WAY FASTER on my machine rather then installing 3.X because 3.X starts page swapping and slows the computer way down...
SO... Like most software these days older is better.
AND what works quicker on a resource challenged machine will work faster and better on a high performance machine.
On my 3Ghz overclocked, 4GB ram, adaptec raid 0 with WD raptors machine, 2.0 is still quicker and faster at searching then 3.X .
So there are no new features I need in 2.X and 2.X performs better on both my old school laptop and high performance workstation.
So this newer software, like most new software, FAILS in many ways because the new generation coders have no clue how to write efficient code or are to lazy to do so. This is a epidemic that effects almost all current software companies not just this product. Yea Firefox is also a perfect example of just a complete resource hog.