Look forward to getting this
And winding a couple of my friends up by showing them it.
One advantage of having mates that work for GCHQ :-)
If information indeed is power, then GCHQ is undoubtedly the closest thing the British government has to the Death Star. As the historian Richard J Aldrich notes in the introduction to his excellent new history of the Cheltenham-based agency it represents by far our largest, most expensive, most productive - and yet most secret …
Possession of this book will of course be considered "Possession of information likely to be of use to a terrorist" and get you locked up. (20% chance).
Also using encryption on your machine (add 20% chance)
User of VPN encryption technology (Add 20% chance)
Happen to be a Muslim, then no jury in the country will think you are anything other than a terrorist. Go directly to jail.
Geeks have to be so careful these days.
I am not sure this little novel deserves a big chuck up. Has anyone checked the Hansard refs he uses. No, then you ought to. Also, everyone in the business knows trhat UKUSA was signed in March 1946, so how come the learned Prof is 2 years out. Poor, really poor. Anyone in this business would get that basic info correct. Took me a little over 2 hrs in Waterstones to skim and quick read, saw enough inaccuracies NOT to buy.... sorry "Prof"