You can pay monthly though.
Its stated as "[£1,174,998.83 or £58,820/month1]" with the [1] apparently referring to a non-existent footnote.
Financial assault by battery ?
One Reg Hardware was stunned this weekend when he went to check how much an extra battery for the Dell Studio 15 laptop he was planning to buy would set him back. Little did reader Gerard Phelan realise that acquiring the six-cell, 56Whr power pack would necessitate taking out a mortgage. Or a Lotto win. The price: £1,174, …
its a tough decision, by your logic, purchase otherwise the same hardware just in different packaging, with one you save a little money and have a disposable / replaceable battery, with the other you get a fancy housing and a disposable laptop because the battery isnt replaceable, but both come complete with built in fire hazard...
Do they debit your card at order time or when they ship?
Since the latter date appears to be "never"*, the price isn't important then.
*Eight months and counting. I'm lucky though as mine only went west eight months ago, others here have been waiting rather longer than that.