Not been planned??
"A BT spokesman assured El Reg the measure has not been planned because everyone just wants to watch the game."
Yea... I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
BT has issued a network-wide ban on engineering work tomorrow evening to coincide with England's opening World Cup group game against the USA. The rarely-applied "change embargo" measure will run throughout the encounter, plus for an hour before kickoff and an hour after the final whistle. BT customers will get a brief taste …
"A BT spokesman assured El Reg the measure has not been planned because everyone just wants to watch the game."
Quite correct: it's been planned because the majority of people want to watch the game.
Mind you given the experience of the BT cowboys around here there's less chance of them touching the FUBAR switch if they're off down the pub for the match.
Obstructing the pavement is an offence under Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 and BT should take that on and fix the OR jerk you.
Openreach is actually pretty good about these type of complaints. If they fail you will be amazed to discover that Ian actually reads his emails and you should just write directly to him at, ian.livingston@bt.com.
Can't seem to get them to fix problems under normal circumstances. The FD is currently a nice shade of red with frustration at the BT *support*, not because he has painted his face to support England.
No access to the Internet for 2 days - he can't get his daily fix of whatever he normally gets when he is at home and has had to come back into work.
The nice young lady at BT that he spoke to told him categorically that his PC was infected with spyware and needed to download a suitable anti spyware program - how is he supposed to do that with no Internet access? Apparently she also told him that he could check the status of the line by going to BT.com. (Even though he told her repeatedly that he had no access at all).
The language aroud here has been quite ripe for the last hour and half.
BT Support - an oxymoron
You could always try asking him to move it.
If that fails, perhaps a call to your local council "Parking Bastards" department, and their ever ready ticket machines. A few £50 fines for obstructing the pavement will soon buck his ideas up...
No consultants fee necessary, call it a gift from me to you.
Well no, actually. Hate to jump to BT's defence but this is obviously a ban on changing anything that *is happily working*. Things that are *broken* are to be fixed as normal. (When the strike is on, nothing will get worked on, broken or not !)
Boffin icon, cos it's not rocket science, people.
Slight change...
"A BT spokesman assured El Reg the measure has not been planned because BT engineers just want to watch the game".
Yep. Riiiight.
Will they all suddenly go to South Africa if the system goes tits-up??? They're on strike, so they can't fix it themselves, natch.
Spent the whole of yesterday in a state of dread wondering how this strike was going to affect my life. (actually didn't but you know what i mean)
Didn't notice a thing
Note to BT unions. If going on strike is your way of making sure BT management sit up and take notice, invest in shares of PG tips, 'cos you will be drinking lots of cups of tea.
"BT also scheduled a three-month change embargo in the run up to the 2012 Olympics...."
Yes, because everything required for that will be in place and working at least three months before it all kicks off.
Presumably what they've really scheduled is an embargo on all changes not specifically related to the Olympics. Not because of the load on the network, but because all their engineers will be occupied full time running around like blue-arsed flies trying to get all the glitches sorted before the opening ceremony ends.