This has a number of issues
1) The government has launched an urgent internal review of police stop and search powers after acknowledging officers had used the powers illegally.
If the Officers had used the powers illegally why aren't they being prosecuted?
2) A 2004 stop and search sweep by the Met netted 840 stops, but did not get the appropriate authorisation from a government minister, according to reports.
So the Police service middle / upper management are going to be prosecuted then?
3)Baroness Neville-Jones said the government was endeavouring to contact every one who had been illegally stopped and searched, so that it can apologise to them.
Surely that should read -
Baroness Neville-Jones said the government was endeavouring to contact every one who had been illegally stopped and searched, so that it can ask them to be witnesses for the prosecution.
4) The review covered the period up to 2008. Procedures were tightened up at that point, following increasing complaints about stop and search. The government believes no errors have occurred since then.
Yeah, riiiiigggghhhhtttt! </sarcasm>
5) It doesn't appear to cover coppers' alleged tendency to cite the Act to stop photographers, er, photographing.
They're going to be looking into that later, right. Right?