Gives Whole New Meaning ...
... to the phrase "Tits Up". They could make a movie about this and call it "Up". No wait, already been done. Sorry, not enough coffee or cordite smoke yet this AM.
The owner of Russia's biggest silicone breasts is suing an airline after a combination of turbulence and skimpy business class seats forced her professional assets to double up as airbags. Model Irene Ferrari is demanding €100,000 in restitution after the buffeting on a Moscow to Zurich flight left her key business assets …
Did she have her seatbelt loosely fastened as advised/disclaimed against during the pre-flight safety demos? If not, she's stuffed. Size of seat is irrelevent as operators don't always sell "class" of seats as a differentiator in terms of physical seat - more often in shorthaul it just refers to the service etc.
Besides, Is this kind of motion even possible? I've never experienced turbulence that can provide anything other than vertical or lateral g-forces. To be "thrown forward" implies a massive decceleration and redution of the plane's airspeed which sounds very unusual.
Turbulace can cause a 25 knot or more change in airspeed over a couple of seconds. However, airspeed isn't what affects the passengers- groundspeed is. A wind shear resulting in a rather steep _increase_ in airspeed (Due to a sudden headwind, for example), would result in a (relatively) gradual decrease in groundspeed.
Perhaps our star was buffeted on a vertical axis, but was unable to keep her center of gravity above the region bounded by her base. That would result in motion that could be described as "thrown forward".
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Ie Photos of before & after. Mobile phone photos would do from co passengers & Witnesses.. The judge needs to be sure of the "damage" done and vital evidence is necessary to prove guilt beyond doubt.
Anyone can oblige?
Will make a good read after all the Apple hoopla last few days.
Paris, her asstes are safe, though.
that airplane cabins are pressurized to 8,000 ft above sea level (Yep, not metres. We still do feet). Your body is pressurized around sea level, thus the swelling ankles, puffy hands and wrists when you ascend quickly.
What else could a pair of (possibly compressed) implants do but expand, sometimes to bursting point?
Elementary, my dear Irene. Are you as dumb as you are ugly.
Or do you know the physics and provoke these mammary mangulations for much needed money?