Who's whining?
Few other businesses are able to force such restriction on their users. If Apple wanted to stay in their walled garden and NOT bother everyone else that might be a lot more agreeable to the rest of us. When they are showing a M$ style tactic of trying to cut off large portions of the marketplace from being able to interact openly with the rest of the world, I see it as negative and a problem.
Just because I am not forced to Join Scientology doesn't mean that I have to approve, or even accept them. Yes it's their decision to join the cult, but I doubt as many people would join if they are more informed. And their shitty behavior and ideas sometimes have negative effects on my little world. So I feel entitled to call BS when I see something shitty, I hardly think that is expecting a company to create products solely on my whim.
If Apple did not stifle other competitive options with bogus IP rights, lawsuits and other anti-competitve behavior it might be easier for other people to innovate their own versions and not have to bother Apple, Apple is not having that though They have already used terrorist tactics of fear mongering by claiming they have patents they can use to attack other touch phones, and video codecs, they DONT WANT competition, and they don't see it as useful, Google M$ .etc are all the same.
We all watched Sci-fi before, NONE of apples product are new and revolutionary to warrant preventing anyone else from making a similar product, but boy they keep patenting shit that we have already seen examples of, even if just fictional. Patents were NEVER meant to allow someone with deep pockets to get to new technology ideas first, and keep them as a tax on the masses. They should only get protection for something new and innovative, and even then they should only be protected for a few years, to give them a chance to develop a business before people like walmart can come in and undercut you on price. After a few years it is BETTER for the GENERAL PUBLIC to have this protection removed, so that price, rather than innovation becomes the purchasing factor. (Of course Walmart using slave labor is a whole other matter, price wars should not be won on the backs of the poor in the rest of the world.
Why is it that you jump from someone not liking the way they do business (which makes sense to me) or force behavior on people who purchase their products, into a petty cry of some spoiled prince that expect the world on a silver platter, talk about hyperbole and gross exaggeration!
I encourage you to research more on the term Fair Use and what it means to the general public.
When you buy something it is generally understood that you can then do WHATEVER You want to do with it, and Apple consistently goes against this common public expectation.
I guess you are the type of guy who leaves the radio in your car to the default settings, and leaves the pictures that come with the frame in. I on the other had like to be able to change my mind, and think for myself.
I would certainly rather have a nation of self-centered entitled people, than a bunch of sheeple citizens who do what people tell them and have no independence. Of course, if we all were thoughtful, responsible independent thinks that would be even better, but we have to realistic don't we!