After all these years...
It has just occurred to me...
Parallel or not parallel, surely. Like pregnant. Something either is or it isn't. *Massively* Parallel?
...I'll get my coat.
With the International Super Computing conference underway this week, the Top 500 ranking of the world's most powerful supercomputers is out, and the bi-annual is just starting to be transformed by the advent of cheap flops embodied in graphics co-processing engines from Nvidia and Advanced Micro Devices. While the 1.76 …
Like pregnant. A woman may be Pregnant, as in just starting to show, or she may be *Massively* Pregnant, as in hobbling around with twins inside her like a bloated beached whale at 8 1/2 months...
So the only question is how many is the difference between "Parallel" and "Massively Parallel"?
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Yes I clicked on the "By OS" button on that web page, to see what they used, and at first it shocked me. It did make me laugh (I bet Microsoft are not laughing).
Its really jarring to see how many use Linux. I didn't realise it was anywhere near that many and to think these are the top computers in the world. It really made me see how strong Linux is becoming. :)
While there are a few machines on the list that have their use listed as "Classified" it seems to me this is a very small number.
I'm guessing there are quite a few boxes in the Virginia area of the USA and the Glocestershire area of the UK that aren't on this list but would certainly be top 20 or better contenders.
Mines the one with the paranioa medication in the pocket ......