This gives Morris Dancers a bad name! Real ones do it without a sound system or an operating system and certainly with out hotmail ( well this one does anyway).
Office drones around Soho's Golden Square have complained to the council about the racket caused by Microsoft's ongoing attempt to attract more users to Hotmail through the medium of dance. Hotmail new busy golden square Vulture Central is within spitting distance of the square where Hotmail flacks have set up shop for the …
"is that a foam resistor at the bottom of that second picture?!"
That's what I thought at first too, which would be an interesting marketing angle, but now it's starting to look more like a small skein of yarn (still with the wrapper on, like some people keep them) with some knitting needles or something stuck in the middle. I can't make the picture go larger though, to see for sure, aside from zoom which doesn't do much (pixelated).
I like the resistor idea better :)
"Surely it can't be a resistor, there's no colour bands to indicate the value"
Yeah, but *if* it was a foam model of a resistor, as an earlier poster suggested (at least I thought that's what they meant), the creator of such an object likely wouldn't have been concerned about accurate detail and instead would have focused on just making a vague representation of the general shape of the object - just enough for people to kinda-sorta recognize it.
You know, like how casual artists and quasi-modelers often depict popular musical stringed instruments with the wrong number of strings (usually far too few, because it's easier to draw that way, and/or because the artist is ignorant) and the frets in the wrong places or missing altogether, bridge in the wrong place, etc. Or like how cartoon characters only have 3 fingers. It isn't accurate, but people can tell what it's supposed to be. (The lack of accuracy in musical-instrument drawings is one of my pet peeves.)
I still think it's yarn though :)
Why would anyone in their right mind still be using hotmail?
Its so much slower in every respect to gmail - also if you running in Linux you seem to have to run the 'basic' version.
Does hotmail have https support yet ? Does it have a good way of searching your messages (i.m guessing not judging the state of windows search tools even in its Vista2 (windows7)
i'm guessing all those Windows users who automatically get sent to msn (and thus hotmail adverts) may have an impact...
Jesus H. Bicycle-Riding Christ.
You'd think that by now -- especially after that video came out of those retail drones and their "spontaneous" line dancing at a Microsoft Store in a shopping mall -- that their every attempt to be "cool" with their marketing just makes them look sillier.
C'mon, Microsoft, take a chance and quit while you're ahead (sort of).