I'm off...
Hmmm, I had it up to here (quite high!) with Facebook's regular dubious policy changes. I moved to www.folkdirect.com a couple of weeks ago (was featured in the Huffington Post last week). All cool.
Facebook boss Mark 'I'm CEO… bitch' Zuckerberg is seeking to soften user anger over privacy erosion with an admission that the social networking site has made some mistakes. Using an op-ed piece in Monday's Washington Post as a soapbox, Zuckerberg has promised to simplify the site's increasingly complex privacy controls and …
Is in the eating. This smacks of damage control and nothing more. Zuckerberg's brand is damaged after his latest batch of bad press and he's desperate to stop the slide.
Once a privacy offender always a privacy offender in my book. Unless proven wrong. Which I rarely am.
Come on Zuck, prove me wrong.
You mean you are all putting your real identities into Farcebook? DOH!
What is the general rule about information on the internet? If they want your info it is because they hope to sell it, so have you had your cut yet?
Any WWW database of people is a choice plum for advertisers and will, IMHO, always be plundered whilst money is to be made
Give the web your ID and you might as well give them your life too
this is part of their recycling policy.. by using the same bollocks twice, it's doubled the efficiency of the first use. while it's the law of diminishing returns.. i guess it'll be good for another few uses.. after all.. i still get reallllly old mails from people who have their own personal info wavefront set to 1995.. like the one with the air vents on the back of the house in wales.. OMG they look like a middle finger lolz (etc)
Facebook's attempt at damage control is focused on "simpler privacy controls". They sound as if they're completely side-stepping the issue of shared data; trying to draw our attention away from the actual privacy policy Facebook adopted.
Simpler privacy controls sound great in principle, but if those simplified privacy controls still don't let us prevent some personal details from being hidden then what good are they? Are we going to be able to hide our date of birth after the new privacy controls are introduced? Will we be safe to fill out our interests, without those interests automatically being converted into 'connections' (regardless of whether or not those connections are shared)?
Facebook is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. I would be VERY surprised if we have complete control over our data and how it is shared after Facebook introduce their new privacy controls. The changes to the privacy controls will buy Facebook time to prepare for the next assault on their lack of respect for privacy.
Analogy: it's like smoking. You know there are detrimental effects but these won't kick in for years & years & years (probably).
About Quit-Facebook-day - I wonder if there will even be a nett loss of users. I'm guessing it won't even make a dent!
Sadly, just today Facebook forced me to switch all my music, tv and movies from my profile to Pages, which are publicly visible. Only alternative was to remove them all from my profile (which I did). So it seems that the words are just words, the contempt for privacy remains.
the first 4 of their 5 "core principles"
They're about as rich as an oil company coming out with:
1. burning oil does not cause any kind of pollution
2. we have never and will never make money selling oil
3. you have complete control over oil prices
4. we never accidentally spill oil into the sea
I'm genuinely speechless. I think I'm going to go outside and drive my car into a brick wall. Bye.
I logged into Facebook this morning and was forced to change my employment and location information into page links, with no option to keep this information private.
Is this an example of the simplified privacy? Removing more options and forcing users to publish by default?
I left the location information. I deleted my employer from my profile.
You mean people put their real information in Facebook? Wow, what a concept. Almost all of the information in my profile is completely incorrect. You know, if a reasonable percentage of people did that, it would make sales of the information completely worthless. ;-)
Bill, err, Dave, err, Tim, err, John, err, Simon, err, ...
After having pretty much all my interests, job, etc, turned into 'pages' my response was to simply delete all of that information from my profile, and updated my date of birth to something ridiculous. I think the only accurate thing in my profile now is gender and name.
This post has been deleted by its author
for dissing facebook, and (more crucially) the sorts of people who feel the need to go on it, by stating that satan will win a downhill skiiing competition before I go on.
Well, guess what ? I'm *still* not on it. And I still have to be convinced I am missing out on something.
have just had my very first good reason to toddle off and join Facebook... the fact that the (no doubt) highly interesting and riveting AC above will be one 'character' I wont be meeting there. I'm sure I shall be culturally poorer for it...
they should try it, it could be a good place to shout off in order to cover their own insecurities. ;)
Peas and Love
</hand down>
This is starting to be Facebook's standard response to their ever-increasing bungles.
Dear dumb fucks, er, I mean valued Facebook user,
We just missed the mark on our latest (_____feature name_____). We have heard your feedback and are now working on fixing the (_____privacy issue_____). Rest assured that you can continue to use Facebook without worrying about your chats becoming public, er, I mean, having someone delete your friends without your permission, er I mean,.....
... this latest round of promises are still coming from the same butt-ugly, sex-craved late-teen "I'm CEO bitch"... do you believe him?
Seriously: do you?
I don't and though I only allow my friends to take a peek at my info (no sharing allowed whatsoever) I will now delete pretty much EVERYTHING except my birth date and my name (public records anyway), end of story.
Meanwhile I bet he's busy ramping up his efforts to dampen the hit from the upcoming "The Social Network" movie: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article7127721.ece
Good luck for that, dear Cukorhegyi errr... I mean Mr Sugarhill, of course.
Straight from Facebook "Privacy settingsApplications and websites"
"If your friend uses an application or website that you do not use, you can control certain types of information the application can access. Please note that applications will be able to access your name, Profile picture and gender, as well as any information that is visible to everyone. They will also be able to access your Connections, except the connections noted with an asterisk below. In those cases, although the information is considered a connection, you can control whether an application can access it.
* Status updates
* Online presence
* Website" etc etc
Its nice that the asterisk's are not shown on the facebook page but you are provided a tick box with no simple explanation to acheive your desired result. A copy and paste as above inserts the tick boxes as asterisk's.
Im glad i am breaking their T&C by using a fake name email etc