Space Pool
Top shot
A gigantic rumbling stone ball as big as a three-storey house has thundered across the surface of the moon, smashing through a crater wall before coming to rest deep in the lunar pockmark's interior. LRO imagery of a boulder trail ending in a crater. Credit: LROC In the end the Clangers' lids just weren't strong enough. …
Here we have a nice illustration of why NASA's been having so many problems. Traditionally, golf is the preferred game of management whereas pool & billiards are more enjoyed by the lower-echelon workers. I think NASA's choice of simile points to an organisation that is top-heavy with too much management and too few workers who actually get stuff done.
"Golf is a good walk spoiled" - Mark Twain
Looking at the trail left, did the damned thing bounce on it's way down the slope? If the thing did a slow roll, I'd expect a steady trail, but this one leaves gaps, indicating to me that this 3 story monster had some momentum behind it. Even if it was rolling on hard ground, it'd leave a trail that we'd expect to be visible to us.
Mark Salter left a URL to another photo- http://twitpic.com/1qv9xz. In this one, you can see one more trail that seems to bounce, and a second that does leave a constant trail. This moon place does seem interesting to me. Can I sign up for a expedition to the cottage at the end of the road?
If you can find and trace the left 'shot' in the image fragment I found then it looks like more of a pool match, with multiple trails and other 'ball' impacts.
I'm sure they have bounced, dependent on speed and slope of descent, I would imagine.
The ones I saw are north of the one published in the full image visible here:-
just double click on the middle far left of the full image to see the main item and then go 'north' for some others.