back to article 'Steve Jobs' switches to Android

Steve Jobs — no, not the one in Cupertino, the one who blogs — is ditching his iPhone, going Googly, and venting his spleen. "Goodbye, Apple. I'm ditching my iPhone. Seriously, I'm gone," writes Newsweek senior editor Dan Lyons on his Newsweek blog. In his alter ego of "Fake Steve," Lyons also comments on all things Apple on …


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    1. James Billingham

      Flash is fine, got great, but fine

      Why make statements that flash on a mobile is a slow mess? I have a HTC desire and while the framerate of the flash iplayer embeds on the bbc news site are not as fast as on my laptop its very watchable. All flash websites are navigable and perfectly usable -- so its perfectly feasible to use flash on a mobile -and its apparently only a beta so it will get better.=

      1. Will Leamon

        Not just smartphones.

        The Flash playback on my Samsung Rogue (a 'feature' phone - free with my contract) is just fine as well. It looks like crap in a HT sense but for on the road use it is more than just adequate.

        I don't think one phone will ever really 'rule' the market. People are just too diverse for one phone to really satisfy all needs. I think what we're seeing now though is that the iPhone's crowd once seemed rather large and perhaps dominating. But with the passage of time we're beginning to see that it's not that large after all. Hence that bogus 'larger installed base' line. All that means is "We have saturated the market for our product and our competitor's market is growing."

      2. Anonymous Coward


        iplayer is fine on iphone, as is tvcatchup, youtoob, etc

        No problem with anyone wanting an android lets not pretend this is a huge improvement for the mobile landscape, and everybody else who has froyo suggests that even on wifi the choppiness is noticeable.

        2.2 looks good as it has 450% speed improvement, but most of this is invisible in standard usage and it seems the whole performance improvements are down to google wanting to get flash working by improving speed elsewhere, but on the nexus one, from people who have tested it:

        "We have to say, it's really something to have a mobile browser that doesn't pop up little cubes with question marks all over the web, but we found that rediscovering Flash was much like reuniting with a high school friend; at first you've so much to catch up on, but then you realize how far you've grown apart. Adobe's pre-vetted list of Flash-enabled sites do a good job of showing off the technology, but we still can't help but think the interactive elements still have a lot of catching up to do. As for video, the stream is good quality but gets fairly choppy -- especially when you check out something "not optimized for mobile viewing." Some of the HTML5 footage we've seen via the same device shows up in crisper detail and fluidity. Battery and heat are also of concern: the pre-release beta we have, according to Adobe, lacks hardware acceleration. Ergo, our beloved handset got piping hot after about 30 minutes of heavy video watching, and the battery indicator in the upper right had a sizable dent."

        In fact this kind of reminds me of the desktop pc world 10 years ago, every year people would buy the latest processor/video card to squeeze an extra 10fps out of their pc. People who think that by having froyo on their hero (just read blog comments and forums), they are gonna gain are deluding themselves.

        to run the full 2.2 experience you are going to need a desire/n1, next year when 2.4 comes out you will need the snapdragon 1.5Ghz processor, etc. This is usually great for the techies (like i was 10 years ago), who want to get the latest device, or overclock, etc, and android will take a decent market %, apple will of course release a phone every year for the latest fanbois, but the differences in hardware will always be much lower.

        Two different target markets, can android pull people with its better browser support/flash support/ui over itunes/appstore/ui?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        On froyo?

        " trying to get hulu and other sites to play movies fullscreen is an excersize in futility. Same for most of the flash games on"

      4. Anonymous Coward

        RE: Flash is fine, got great, but fine

        "Why make statements that flash on a mobile is a slow mess?"

        ...because Flash on a desktop or laptop is a slow mess...?

    2. MnM

      I should go out in the sunshine

      but cannot before registering that ultranote makes me want to puke.

    3. Anonymous Coward

      @ i vs A

      Apple: Closed. What Steve Says You Need. The Past.

      Google: Open. Choice. The Future.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Apple - propriety, locked-in, out of touch & dull


      Android - flexible, open & way out in front

    5. The Original Steve

      Wrong, wrong... briming over with wrongability

      You simply haven't tried a new high-end Android handset.

      Borrow a HTC Desire and give it a try. Flash runs a dream - I mean so well that you don't realise it's flash on the page you a viewing.

      I think there is a manual for the Desire - think it's only online though. I haven't read it. The navigation is the same as for the iPhone. It's VERY user friendly and people just know how to use it off the bat. No manual required.

      Buggy app...? Yeah, there's loads about. Difference is that I can chose what app to put on my phone, and the PEOPLE judge if it's buggy / acecptable or not... not some faceless non-descript bullshit 'policy' drones. If your app sucks then people uninstall it and rate it as bad.

      Freedom to chose with the occasional buggy one, or being told what you can use by some 3rd party... I know what route I'd take.

      And I'm not sure what data your talking about. My phone only passes search items to Google - nothing else gets sent to them.

      Get your facts right. Android allows installation of any app - not just pre-approved Steve Jobs apps. I have removable storage - so can swap handsets should it fail, perform backups, up my capacity, swap mass quantity of data without cables / bluetooth etc. Whenever I want. I have 5 home screens, can use folders and can completely customise my whole handset to how I want it to be. I carry about a charged spare battery in case I forget to charge my phone 2 nights in a row. I've changed various parts of the system with alternatives as it suits my needs better. I sync my music using a tool / media manager of MY choice, and in the next few months with 2.2 I'll be syncing wirelessly too. I can tether my handset to my PC and surf the web using my 3G connection. When I brought the phone, I could use it straightaway - didn't need to install anything on a PC, or "register" my phone after it was delivered. And some sites use flash that I want to use. I'd rather them use HTML5 of course, but flash runs FINE on the handset.

      So remind me again... why the iPhone with it's "special" plans and overpriced cost?

      1. DrXym

        @The Original Steve

        I wouldn't say Flash runs "a dream" but it runs and acceptably so. The version in the HTC Desire puts weedy little scrollbars on oversize content and the pinch to zoom is messed up. I also suspect video is software only. If those issues were fixed by integrated Flash in Android 2.2, then Flash will work just great both in the browser and as a platform for apps.

        Even in the HTC implementation it provides ample proof that most of the excuses trotted out by Apple apologists have been wafer thin or nonexistent.

        So far I'm extremely happy with my HTC Desire. It's extremely usable, open, runs Android, supports development out of the box and adheres to standards. I do think that if someone ran objective usability comparison between the Desire and the iPhone that the latter might come out on top but only by a slim margin. Certainly not enough reason to negate its massive disadvantages.

    6. Tzael

      Re: i vs A

      This isn't really an Apple vs Google thing, is it? Don't answer that, it's intended to be rhetorical.

      It's not about who has the better phone. It's about which phone manufacturer will allow you most freedom to do what you choose, not what they think you should do. It doesn't get any more complicated than that. Both Google and Apple are guilty of forcing features onto their products that work in a contrary or convoluted way compared to what we would expect.

      I think the significant difference between Apple and Google is this: Apple wants to know what everyone is doing and so forces everyone to do it the same way. Google on the other hand wants to know what everyone is doing but instead of forcing everyone to do it the same way they implement loads of obscure ways of monitoring everyone's actions.

      Both Apple and Google are unfortunately two of the worst offenders in terms of forcing an Orwellian society onto us. Big brother tells us what to do and how to do it, and if we don't follow their instructions we get monitored secretly anyhow. Privacy is dying rapidly, and a lot of the blame for that can be placed squarely at Apple and Google's feet. Probably more Google's feet, but just because Apple hasn't been offending us with privacy invasions for as long, doesn't excuse them from following Google's lead. Apple could have retained some principles, but they chose to emulate some of the worst elements of Google.

      They're both as bad as each other in my book nowadays.

    7. rcossebo
      Jobs Halo

      i vs A

      I have to agree with you! If one is not within the IT circle, Android and it's hardware is a mute point. It doesn't have the style the iPhone does, not even the newer HTC submissions.

      If one doesn't know C++ or other languages used in Open Source what good is the Droid? I have to add that there is ONE APP that the Droid has that is awesome and I would love to see on the iPhone; LOCALE! This App blows the iPhone out of the water and is the ONLY reason I'd even think of jumping ship. I have several friends that have Droids that are standard users not the programmer power user type and they say it is ok for what they use it for. They aren't app freaks, so none of the bells and whistles people are shouting about mean anything to them.

      The first submission of the Droid was a little shakey. One of my friends had to take his phone back for a replacement because the OS was glitchy and the hardware non-reponsive. With the new Droid and the old software, he is happy, I'll have to see what he thinks when he upgrades to the newest version of Android.

      So far I'm staying with my iPhone. Waiting and watching since HYPE is merely empty words, I'm in the frame of mind; SHOW ME THE MONEY! Show me WHY the Droid is better than the iPhone with tangible, everyday uses for a regular user NOT a power user who is an IT GEEK and loves to tinker and program for themselves.

      Two different camps, two differnt platforms, two different services (GSM/CDMA) which is better???

      Thanks for your time and input! I look forward to it!

      1. Kevin Bailey

        You're slightly missing the point RE how OSS works

        'If one doesn't know C++ or other languages used in Open Source what good is the Droid?'

        The point is that because the code is open source *someone* will be able to fix/enhance stuff.

        So - there's a feature that you want or a fix which you need. As the code is available it's highly likely that some talented people somewhere will provide the code.

        Without the code being available you're reliant on the company who supply the software to assign someone to carry out what you want - and them being able to carry it out.

        Also, peer review of OS code keeps the code higher quality - all kinds of bloated chaos is allowed to exist out of sight in closed source companies.

        This why the ms-dos box on Windows 7 *still* can't resize it's width by dragging the border.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          RE: You're slightly missing the point RE how OSS works

          "The point is that because the code is open source *someone* will be able to fix/enhance stuff."

          Or alternatively, find a backdoor and write a virus or worm, then trick users into downloading it.

          "Also, peer review of OS code keeps the code higher quality - all kinds of bloated chaos is allowed to exist out of sight in closed source companies."

          Most of the companies I have worked for have been closed-source.

          We still send finished code to the other devs for peer review...

          "This why the ms-dos box on Windows 7 *still* can't resize it's width by dragging the border."

          Don't try to pick flaws in Microsoft's software. We could all join in and we'd be here all day!

      2. Simian60

        i vs A

        Moot, you donkey, moot. Not "mute".

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Jobs Horns

        HYPE is merely empty words

        And yet you still bought an iphone?

        So the Apple marketing team hype an inferior product and it's the best thing ever. It took 3 releases before it could even match the capability of phones that were 5 years older than it.

        Android has been hyped mainly by the people that use it and without a multi million advertising budget and has been tweaked and improved based on user feedback rather than the whims of an almighty overseer who decides what features you can have and when and you don't think that is better?

        Sounds like your still smarting after paying all that cash and then finding out it wasn't quite as good as you were promised by his Jobsness but you have to convince yourself it was worth it.

    8. HollyHopDrive

      easy tiger

      You can't deny, the iphone has brilliant marketing, like all apple products are very nice to touch and have appealed to a previously unaware audience of how cool technology is.

      But its all a bit like your first car. Yes, you can get some pretty stickers and funky cloth seats, but its still a small car. And there are a lot of people who still love their small cars and will never move on. (and there is nothing wrong with that)

      And I bet most of us started in a small car. Then we discover bigger, faster cars, that come with satnav, air con and a more 'stuff'. Yes, the dash has a few too many buttons, but we grow to love the extra buttons.

      And that is where android fits it. Its not as pretty to look at, but it goes faster than the others, and can be used for more things without a jobsworth telling you what you can and can't use it for.

      I take your point about buggy software, there is some, but those don't tend to last long as the good stuff floats to the top.

      I think you are perhaps feeling a bit hurt by the fact you are stuck with your iphone after jumping up and saying how good it is, and just watched the competition overtake.

      Mine is the one with the HTC g1 in the pocket, and I'm going to use my free google sat nav to get me home :)

      1. Anonymous Coward


        Another anology might be apple = Skoda, Droid = Cateram

        My Skoda starts every morning, I didn't have to build it myself, it spends more time doing my stuff than me doing stuff to it, it's easier to drive (even though outright performance is down), I don't need to service it myself etc etc.

        Yes I'd love a Cateram too for the odd occasion I'd really want to "drive", but frankly, I'm getting old, and I just want a hassle-free phone at the end of the day. When I leave work, I want my technology to be "transparent", because after a 9-10hr day staring at code and fixing crap for muppets, I want a break.

        Yep, Skoda for me please. And slippers. And a pipe. And a hot chocolate at night before bed. Which is at 9pm. Just call me Ned Flanders.

        Doesn't matter what I say - the mac-haters will only read this as "fanboi material" and vote me down anyway. The Mac-haters are as bad the fanbois, frankly.

        1. James Hughes 1


          is not a good reason not to have a Seven.........and they can be used as everyday transport, as long as you don't play golf. (and why would you)

          Oh, were we talking about phones?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Jobs Horns


          I haven't had to 'build' anything for my milestone. It works as it should, everything is straight forward and easily accessible and it worked out of the box with all the functions you expect without having to buy additional apps. As for any extras that I do want, click market, select app, download - wow that was difficult wasn't it.

          I don't program and wouldn't know where to start fixing a buggy app but have never had to. If something is buggy I just rate it as poor and add my comments so other people can read about the problems I had and the developer can either choose to fix it or have nobody use it. Then I uninstall it and pick an appropriate reason from the nice easy screen that asks me why I am uninstalling.

          As for servicing it myself - doesn't happen. It automatically checks for updates then asks me do I want to update if it finds one. It does it all over the air too, I don't need to hook it up to my PC and use the appalling pos that is itunes just to update so that seems much easier to me than the apple way of doing things.

          I haven't had to root my phone in order to install something that isn't in the marketplace either - the nice tick box to allow non-market apps did the job just fine. What is nice is that it trusts me enough to give me the option. I don't need Steve to hold my hand and tell me what I can and can't do - for my own good of course

    9. PaulK

      You iz a fanboi.

      Apple: censored content and no subsidy.


      Google: Superior OS, open platform, subsidised handsets

    10. Zobbo

      Re: i vs A

      "fragmented choice".

      I will translate for non-Apple people: "choice".

    11. David Simpson 1


      iPhones have very publicly reported connection problems on O2 in the UK as well, it was widely reported to be Apples poor hardware implementation of always on internet that was causing 3G network bottlenecks on both AT&AT and O2.

      I especially love your "inconsistent" jibe without any other description, have you ever even used an Android phone ?

      Google is open because I can do whatever I want to Android since it is open source, I can also customise my phone in anyway I want including replacing ANY built in app/software with a 3rd party alternative. If I don't like my HTC I can buy a device from Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola or any of the other multitude of brands offering Android devices.

      Apple is closed because you have one boring UI and layout with no alternative to built in software without jailbreaking, and they even chase jailbreakers like they are criminals. I'm not even trusted to change my own battery !

      You make a good point about Google having people's data on their servers but then doesn't the iPhone use Google search, Google maps and Gmail ? And in fact Apple's whole MobileMe service is run on Google's servers.

      My Hero has had flash lite since launch it runs stuff fine, Steve doesn't want flash because it will kill his App store with FREE apps and games. You also seem completely unaware that Android predates the iPhone, it was first developed by the people behind Danger (sidekick) before being bought by Google. The whole industry has been moving towards mobile for years, LG managed to beat Apple to market with a touchscreen phone and it has more to do with the price of ARM chips and touchscreens dropping than it does any actual R&D innovation on Apple's part.

      Same old arguments as any iDiot so just come back in a year and see what your install base it like then.

    12. Matt Piechota

      RE: i vs. A

      It's what you get used to. This last week I was working with both iPhones (3GS) and a couple Android phones (Hero (1.6), my Moto Droid (2.1), and a Nexus One (2.1)), and I found the iPhone hard to use. Another developer has been working with iPhones all along and found the Android harder to use. Just like it is with Linux vs. OSX vs. Windows, you get to know one and the others become obtuse.

      I'm curious: have you used an Android phone for more than a few minutes? I don't mean that as an indictment, just wondering if you're mistaking the initial learning curve that any device has with actual user interface issues. For instance, I *like* have individual home, menu, and back buttons. On the Apple I'm never quite sure how to back up in an app, although I'll bet that with more time I'd get used to it.

      I'm not sure I follow your logic on the low-mid-high markets though. This really does appear, as the author points out, set up like computing in the 80s. How many people are going to stick with Apple once the market shifts to Android (all those low and mid devices are going to draw developers in)?

      As for 'find it yourself' apps: yeah, it's pretty though to tap the search button in the Market App (installed by default on most phones) and type in some text. :)

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Lyons' article is a mess

    His article is full of errors. He supposes that it was because of Jobs's control-freakery that Apple lost the lead in the desktop wars, when in fact it was the backstabbing of Microsoft and the managerial idiocy of Scully. In fact, by the time those wars really got going, Jobs had already ben ousted from Apple. It takes a special kind of guy to believe Microsoft was more open.

    It's funny to see all of these pundits rushing into the arms of Google, all crying out "open open open". Say what you will about the restrictive policies of Apple which, as a consumer, I have no real problem with: no Flash no problem, it's a piece of shit, in fact, I look forward to the day when I don't' even need to install the goddamn plugin on my desktop.

    But those people are going to have a real nasty wake-up call when Google has taken over everything. Schmidt and his cronies have already demonstrated how they feel about ordinary people, and their privacy. Is this the company you would like to hold up as a beacon of freedom?

  3. GeorgeTuk


    Do people really get this excited about phones?

    Yeah they are cool and all that but fake blogs and Operation Chokehold?! Very odd people out there.

  4. abortrephrase

    Fake Steve is right

    I came to a similar conclusion as Fake Steve. Each software update has made my iPhone slower and less reliable so I was already looking around at upgrade options.

    The control-freakery -- particularly on the content side -- pushed me over the edge and I went for a HTC Desire.

    And you know what? The user interface isn't any less elegant than iPhone OS. There aren't as many apps (yet) but most of what I needed was there. It's snappier, more reliable, and chewing through less battery on an average day.

    I'm pretty happy with my decision.

    1. ThomH Silver badge

      Fake Steve _is_ right

      But try as I might, I just can't find enough to like in Android. I guess it's because I'm part of the casual target set who buys apps like Angry Birds and Grand Theft Auto. That said, if Apple are forced to be more open then it'll be good for everyone and if the iPhone is toppled entirely I won't be too upset.

      1. abortrephrase


        The app that finally helped me make my mind up was Locale. In part because it's just so great -- for example, it turns wifi on my phone on when I'm home, and off when I'm not -- but also because it's precisely the sort of useful thing a motivated developer can do on Android that they can't do on iPhone.

        With the iPhone you're stuck waiting for Apple to innovate. With Android, any random developer can replace parts. There's a danger in that, certainly, but I think it's the model more likely to produce good results in the longer term.

        Fair dues to Apple though, the iPhone forced mobile handset manufacturers to think about interface design in a way they hadn't bothered doing before. Without Apple's work in the area we'd all still be stuck with Series 60 as the pinnacle of user experience...

        1. David Beck

          Nothing wrong with S60 UI

          Just to point out that there are those of us (currently about 40% of the market) that chose the S60 UI since it works for us. My daughter just renewed her contract and decided to keep her old phone as the carrier was only really offering touch screen phones which she has tried and returned. I need a keyboard since I refuse to use two hands to use a phone, or have to look at it to make a call.

          Despite the euphoria for touch phone UI's even within the "smartphone" world (whatever that is, the Nokia 6700 isn't one, just look as the spec and tell me why not) then I'd say a lot more than 50% of smartphone sales are NOT touch screens, but until Apple produces one of these the hype will have to wait.

        2. Anonymous Coward

          "waiting to innovate"

          Are you by any chance also one of those people that is clamouring for Flash on the iPhone (even though you'd probably never buy an iPhone)?

          If so, I find your statement about "waiting for Apple to innovate" curious, even spurious.

          Also, given that Android is just a washed-out copy of iPhone OS, chances are you will be waiting for Apple to innovate anyway, before you'll see the fruits of that innovation on your freeloading Android.

  5. Maliciously Crafted Packet

    Glass beads

    Not satisfied with knowing just about every search you have made. Not satisfied with knowing what website you have visited over the last 10 years. Or for that matter the contents of everyone of your Google Docs and every Gmail that you have sent and received. Not to mention your calendar appointments. Google have developed the ultimate Big Brother device in the shape of Android.

    Android will give Google a realtime feed of where you are and will tell them where you have been, the people you have called and even the music you have listened too, I could go on. When cross referenced with the personal data they already have, there will be nothing left to hide. Today this information is used to profile you for advertisments. Tomorrow who knows what it will be used for.

    In the days of empire the British used to dupe the indigenous peoples into exchanging vast tracts of land for a bucket of glass beads. Google has adopted this ploy and perfected it for the 21st century. Be very wary of those bearing gifts and of what they may want in exchange, the price may be higher than you anticipated.

    Apple looks pretty benign by comparison.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Jobs Horns

      I don't HAVE to use gmail, or docs or google search on Android if I don't want to (and I don't). It's very easy to turn all that off. I sync my calendar, contacts and retrieve my mail from Exchange and Google never see it. Thanks to a nice easy tick box, I don't have to use location services either so no worries about tracking my every move - at least no more than my mobile operator can already do by mapping which masts I connect to. Another tick box allows me to turn off the option of any app, not just Googles, from sending any data in the background.

      While I do know exactly what Google want to get out of releasing Android (as much info as possible to tout to advertisers), they don't force me to provide it. they give me the choice. Should that choice ever be taken away then I would move away from Android, it really is that simple.

      Apple on the other hand dictate everything you can and cannot do. Their whole business plan is to tie you into their eco system as completely as possible until you reach the point that you feel you have invested too much money in it to ever move away

      1. CD001

        You forgot your tinfoil hat...

        Sensible answers like this negate the entire purpose of "teh intawebs" - seriously.

        It's a Google OS - therefore it MUST secretly dial home in the background sending every nuance of data that can possibly be gleaned from the actions on your Android handset to GooHQ irrespective of what you've "ticked". The open source part is a smokescreen, they've only opened up the bits they WANT people to see, what actually gets installed on the phone is subtly different - it works in the same, the APIs are the same but is has a secret spy program in there the tell GooHQ everything about you!

        Just wait until they have fingerprint locking on the phones like they do on some laptops - ur fingerprints will be belong to GooHQ!??!

        ... and so on and so forth.

      2. Anonymous Coward


        "Apple on the other hand dictate everything you can and cannot do. Their whole business plan is to tie you into their eco system as completely as possible until you reach the point that you feel you have invested too much money in it to ever move away"

        That's funny, I did some things without asking Apple earlier on.

  6. Waffles666

    looks like we got a reply

    Steve job in disguise at his deluded best?

  7. John Moppett


    I am at the point of upgrading my phone. I have had mobiles since the early 90's, and always Nokia. The iPhone does not appeal at all, but I was thinking maybe Android this time, until I read the Reg article on power management.

    Surely power management is far more important than all the bells and whistles which seem to be the buyer benchmark for most people these days?

    1. MnM
      Thumb Up

      @John M

      Agree with you perfectly, I'm stuck on the E71. The battery WILL NOT DIE. It's a shame that it doesn't have many useful apps available as I'd like to use it for UPnP AV control at home - if it could do that, I'd have no reason to upgrade.

      If something more businessy than the N8 comes out with Symbian^3, and it looks like I could squeeze in most of an 18 month contract before anything good comes out on Symbian^4, and battery life isn't compromised, I may upgrade. That article made me think twice about Android though.

    2. SynnerCal
      Thumb Up

      @John M

      "Surely power management is far more important than all the bells and whistles which seem to be the buyer benchmark for most people these days?"

      Well that makes two-Nokia owning Android prospects who are concerned about power management. I can't see much point in ditching my current N95 for any device that needs charged more often, (3 times in 2 weeks for my N95 - unless I start using it to watch 30 minute cartoons).

      Maybe what's needed is less focus on "look, very thin shiny-shinies" and more on letting some "pork" be added to the form-factor to incorporate a larger battery. I'd be quite happy to have a 1-1.5cm thick device if it only needed charged once a week.

      User-changeable battery, memory expandability and freedom to install apps are the features I'm looking for, and it seems I'd get those with Android, but not iPhone. Yes, I know iPhone has that massive iTMS advantage, but it's lessened if - as has happened with the iPod I've got - that I'm going to purchase an app, only to find that it's been voided by Apple the following month with no reason given, nor refund offered.

      Oh, and surely HTC's, Motorola's, SonyEricsson's technical support can't be any worse than Apple's? "Genius Bar" - ha!

      I'd love to stay with Nokia, since all the phones I've liked best have been from them, but the software support for Android means I'm going to have to look elsewhere. Unless Nokia decided to do an Android phone too ... nice idea in theory perhaps, but I can't see it happening.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    alas it was not to be

    here an example of what could have been, with hardware already built from really skilled innovative long term thinkers and doers, Dr. Peter Kittel, Dave Haynie, Andy Finkel etc.

    credit were its due and all that.


    Mac & Amiga: Unified against the WIntel threat!

    The initial plan was to launch several variations for the Macintosh and Amiga market. In an attempt to discover a 100% Amiga compatible OS, PIOS delayed the launch of the TransAM (aimed towards the Amiga market), and launched several Macintosh clones, such as the low-end Maxxtrem and high-end Keenya. Negotiations were planned with Viscorp to port the OS to PowerPC.

    By mid-1997, several manufacturers had signed for a Macintosh license. However, the Apple management were having second thoughts about the licensing agreement. In a contradiction to their previous agreement the company requested licensees to pay higher royalties or, in some circumstances, refuse to enter into new agreements for MacOS 8. This was followed by the cancellation of the cloning programme, due to third party competition effecting Apple sales. The PIOS One machines no longer had a market to compete in.

    The PIOS One was dead in the water. Without Apple or Amiga to provide an OS solution, it could only rely upon Be or Linux. However, Be were also suffering in the PowerMAC market and were preparing to migrate to the x86 platform. It appears that the 'creative concept' was over......"

  9. Gil Grissum

    Keep believing that.....

    Sure. Stay in denial. The iPhone did fine without competition. Let's see if it can continue to trick the stupid fashion conscious wannabees for very much longer. Apple with no competition is one thing, while Apple with competition is becoming something quite different. We've already seen this movie before and back then, Apple almost destroyed itself. It's only a matter of time and time is something that simply isn't on Apple's side because now it has competition. Better hope RIM doesn't pull it's head out of the sand too because then Apple will be fighting more than just Android. Apple's only real hope is to negotiate deals with other vendors because AT&T doesn't impress everyone in the US.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      RE: Keep believing that.....

      "Sure. Stay in denial. The iPhone did fine without competition."

      WTF? The iPhone has always had competition. It's not as if the other phone companies said "oh noes, here's the iPhone, we better stop making our own phones"

      As for the rest, I could waste my time stating the real facts, differences and other associated information but I can't be bothered.

  10. DZ-Jay

    The same conclusion that many users...

    It is important to note that the "many users[...], developers [...] with whom The Reg has spoken," is a drop in the bucket, and that the mainstream media and regular consumer is still enamored of Apple.

    It is equally of note that, for all the talk of rage and disdain against Apple and Steve Jobs in the Internet, it is still just the very loud voice of a few making a lot of noise within its echoing chambers. The world at large does not care much about this. For instance, tell me again about the grave and dangerous threat that "exploding iPhones" pose to the consumer, or about how the 27" iMac is going to be the downfall of Apple because of a (very) few defective incidents.

    Android and Google maybe the darling of the techie-kind right now, but--as the iPhone and now the iPad have demonstrated--the world does not revolve around geeks any more.


    1. The Bit Wrangler

      Thing is...

      The non-geeks won't know that the HTC Orgasm (I want cash if you use that one HTC) or whatever the next gen handsets are called AREN'T iPhones. The fact that the newer Android phones have a similar user-experience means that while Apple can be happy that the term "iPhone" will become the "Hoover" of Smartphone it'll probably actually refer to HTCs, Samsungs, Googles etc.

      Soon to be overheard conversation in a pub... "I just got the new iPhone, oh no, not that one, I got the one that runs Locale..."

      1. CD001

        'bout right

        Already happened with iPod...

        "What's an MP3 player?"

        "Your iPod is."

        "Then why didn't you just say you were getting an iPod?"


      2. Levente Szileszky

        RE: Things is... sounds like your circles are apparently way too stupid, even to read the brand on a phone - that's well beyond an average person's normal digital illiteracy - are you older than 60 or do you work for the Gov?

        "The non-geeks won't know that the HTC Orgasm (I want cash if you use that one HTC) or whatever the next gen handsets are called AREN'T iPhones."

        Stop making up silly ideas based on your 'analphabet' friends...

  11. Edward Clarke
    Jobs Horns

    US Problem....

    "AT&T is a US problem."

    It surely is. Their network is awful - customers with iPhones have to go up to the front of my bank and stand next to the window to get a signal while other phones just work. This is going to translate into the opinion that "Apple phones suck" with customers in this area. The problem for Apple is that the people who live around here are venture capitalists and investment bankers who work on Wall Street.

    Steve Jobs can give presentations showing that his phone is magnificent but when the guy gets home and his wife tells him that she missed an important call because her iPhone didn't work...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      RE: US Problem....

      "Their network is awful - customers with iPhones have to go up to the front of my bank and stand next to the window to get a signal while other phones just work."

      Two questions:

      1, Why are so many bank customers using the phone while in the bank?

      2, If you know that the problems are the network, why the evil-Jobs icon?

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up


    Have you tried Flash on a device powered by the Snapdragon processor and hardware assisted graphics? It's pretty damn quick.

    Software "openness" has nothing to do with where one stores one's data. In practical terms, no one really cares all that much about the openness of the OS itself - on any platform - OS developers are a smaller, much smarter community of the whole smartphone user base - it's app developers that make or break a platform. And, this is where Google will win. Unlike Apple, it's no hold barred approach will allow anyone to develop any kind of app and serve any kind of content (adult smut included - and we all know smut can make or break a platform too).

    What is more amazing about Android is the pace at which is has evolved. The iPhone is on it's 3rd generation and still lacks features that even Windows Mobile has had for many years.

    It's entirely true that the iPhone is aimed at idiot consumers who don't know how to work modern gadgets by themselves.

    Apple: Mobile Phones for Dummies


    Google: Mobile Phones for Intelligencia

    1. Kevin 6
      Thumb Up

      @ the smut comment

      I tend to agree way back when the Compaq Ipaq 1st came out I knew a guy that blew $650 on one JUST so he could watch pornos while on the shitter at work.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      @Bugs I eat

      Comments like those you make are made by people really full of themselves. They create two simple groups, one good, one evil, place themselves in the good group and everyone else in the evil group, and declare themselves to be better than everyone else.

      What a simplistic view of life, and offensive at the same time. FOAD!

  13. alun phillips

    wow didn't know that

    Ultranote so the iPhone finds apps for you then? And looks like Froyo will sort the fragmentation issue as it's designed to have a smaller overhead and should work on all handsets

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up

      Sure drink up that hype

      Froyo will only be available officially, via standard update, to 2010 handsets (htc have said this in their platform so expect the same for more). Even if not then your carrier probably won't offer it ask all those g1 users where there upgrades are! There us no benefit for your carrier to get your handset updated when they can sell you a new handset. Of course if you are techie enough you could get the rom, root your handset and start upgrading. Can't see my girlfriend doing that fragmentation is not an issue of android , it is a business issue for carriers and device makers. So you either give to jobsuan big brother, or your carrier/handset maker, or go it alone wiping your handset and running custom software.

      Oh and good luck with getting flash in the browser working on an old (read twelve to eighteen months). Handsets are going to end up like pcs with speed upgrades every six months, and more bloat. Also not looking forward to the first dodgy app on the android, requiring real time virus processing.

  14. mlo0352

    I disagree!


    You must not actually use an Android device. While you think that it is a me-too device, that may be true. It does have to try and emulate the popular mobile OS of the time because that is the only way to get people to switch over...Apple has successfully convinced people all over the world that the iPhone is the only worthwhile smartphone for the average user. This is far from correct though.

    Your little list at the end of your post proves to me that you do not know what you are talking about.

    Android has many great apps, and the repository is growing everyday. It has apps that do far more than Apple does now, or WILL EVER do! There are tethering apps of all kinds...USB, blutooth, wifi, and many for free.

    Most of the apps you will need on your phone are actually free! Also, there may not be as many games, but we have to give developers time to realize that Android is here to stay...

    The fragemntation concern is a valid one though...This is simply because of the range of hardware that exists. That is a problem, and it is only worsened by the fact that most technology users are morons.

    The buggy app bit is far from true. Many of the apps are just as good or better than anything on the iPhone app store.

    Android 2.2 brings so much more functionality it is insane to compare it to the iphone os and call it natively inferior...

    Android also brings in many developers who simply want to code so that it will:

    a) kill the iphone,

    b) give users apps that could never work on an iphone

    c) give users awesome apps for free

    All of these things come from having an open source and non-greedy Operating System and Business Structure.

  15. sleepy

    Tell us more, your highnesses

    So the royal "we" at the Reg agree with Dan Lyons that the house of iPhone may fall. Spill the beans. Why? Are there any dissenters among you?

    Dan Lyons' storyline is purely to maximise his own profile. Sure iPhone OS contains a walled garden, but there's also a full, rigorously standard HTML5 based environment with zero censorship or control freakery. It wasn't Apple that forced all the users to flood into the walled garden, it was the niceness of the garden. And here's Google copying iPhone, even using Apple's webkit work to implement the open capabilities, but now suddenly attempting to close down the open web and kill iPhone by incorporating various walled gardens. It's Internet Explorer and "embrace, extend smother" all over again. Apple's not playing that game; it will kill Apple's innovation driven business model.

    Eric Schmidt at Google has completely lost the plot and is going on a silly ego trip outside the company's core business, trying for the glory of becoming a second Microsoft. It actually won't work. Of course Android phones will outnumber iPhones, just like Nokia phones. But carriers will respect Apple's discipline and shun Google's duplicity now Apple's opening of the mobile internet by force is old history. And customers will appreciate the respect and continuity Apple shows them. iPhone OS will continue to grow, with happy customers with one, two, three and four year old iPhones establishing a trusting relationship with Apple, while those who bought Android phones repeatedly find they have been left behind by Google, their handset maker, and their carrier, none of whom owns the customer experience. The actual Android experience (except for fanboy geeks who buy a new phone every year) will be a permanent case of "bad luck - would you like to play again?", even as each new release of the software (showcased on next year's phones) supposedly outshines last year's iPhone.

    Steve Jobs has spent a lifetime having his platform crushed into dependency by competition. Don't assume it's going to happen again; he's the planet's greatest expert on this.

    Dan Lyons hates Apple. He's actually rather clueless about technology despite years watching it, but is a clever and cynical journalist. He appears to think the world should love him as much as he loves himself and resents the respect and wealth given to unqualified Steve Jobs. "Fake Steve Jobs" really was very funny when it caricatured well known industry figures (including SJ), but it turned sour in the end.

    Whenever you see anything serious and technology related from him, think "shill". Ditto for Paul Thurrot and Rob Enderle, but neither is as clever as Dan Lyons.

    1. captain veg Silver badge

      WebKit is not Apple's

      It's just a repackaging of KHTML and KJS from KDE -- i.e. GPLed open source, Apple's copy of Konqueror, if you like. Google has as much right to use it as anyone else.


      1. ThomH Silver badge

        It's also not a 'repackaged' KHTML

        It's a fork, and it forked a long time ago. The KHTML gang then stopped accepting submissions from Apple for a bit due to the manner in which they were being submitted (ie, in huge bundles with no change by file breakdown or anything like that) but have been talking about entirely dumping KHTML for WebKit for the last few years. Apple's entire WebKit wasn't originally open source, just the bits that grew from KHTML.

        That said, it's open source so of course Google have as much right to use it as everyone else, just as Apple have as much right to use VP8 as anyone else. They just probably won't.

  16. poeg

    All the attitude of Mr Bill but...

    He had a shadow monopoly fed by making "student" versions of his products available at universities with copy protection weaker than dishwater so the movers and shakers to come entered the work force with a distinct taste and in some cases tunnel vision for Microsoft product. Good old Steve actually has competition whose tech is improving at a much faster rate than he is allowing of his own. I've used both and don't find the iphone technically superior in any way shape or form given the accrued development times of both products. In fact the iphone's range as a MOBILE PHONE earns a rating of PATHETIC as some of us actually leave the cities for wilds of Canada and in those cases the iphone rapidly becomes just another PDA that plays media while my Motorola is still hanging onto a bar for this E.T. to phone home with. I take it using the device for communication though is passé?

    Oh and before someone jumps on me for it, I still have my Macintosh IIc, Strawberry Imac, Powermac G4, Lambda, Pismo, Powerbook G4, iPhone and way too many iPods so Steve owes me not the other way around. How about you?

    1. Muckminded


      My mind feels like a urinal after reading your post. Sure, there are structured sentences in it, but you wizzed all over the logic in both directions. Your last paragraph is one long concession of defeat to the horrible beast you tried to gut in the first paragraph.

      Am I mixing metaphors now? Sorry.

  17. PeterGriffin

    N900 and Flash Video via BBC iPlayer

    The BBC iPlayer works rather well on the N900 - but for fast motion video the framerate suffers. As such I have added a utility to my N900 which allows me to select the browser User Agent string. Why? Simply this - now my N900 can pretend to be a Nintendo Wii. The BBC iPlayer streams a lower complexity codec for the Wii and video renders more smoothly (though lacks some definition). Stick Flash playback and User Agent String customisation in your iPhne and smoke it!

    1. Greg J Preece

      I did not know that!

      Cheers for the tip!

      Man, this phone rocks, does it not? You iPhone and Android users can keep arguing all you like - the N900 continues to destroy all competition.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        Ha ha ha ha

        Continues to destroy competiion. LOL. Well when you consider the other phones destroyed, take a photo and send it to me. Oh wait, you can't. MMS isn't supported on the piece of sh1t phone.

        And reading this.

        Sums up just how great the web browsing for the N900 is. Yes it doesn't do flash 10 (comes with 9), half the web is off limits or will be soon and when I last used fennec (firefox mobile), which doesn't support flash at all on the N900. You are limited to a crap web browser on a crappy phone that has nothing that the Apple and Androids fan club get. (Sync with a PC, an app store etc)

        But don't worry, you can jail break it, get full working linux and play those ported (Not by nokia) games from yester-year to your hearts content. As long as you don't mind crippling arthritis on the worlds smallest keyboard.

        N900 only destroys competition from the 1990's where it is firmly placed. (Or they hired their lead designer from the defunct Rover car company, choosing to be this bad for this price.)

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Come again?

        And how is the N900 destroying the competition? I sold my 3GS after getting an offer I couldn't refuse. For the money I bought two Nokia phones: N900 and E72. Pure garbage both of them. Do I regret selling my iPhone? Almost as much as buying these two turds.

        Hardware-wise the N900 isn't too bad. It's the software that stinks. And the lack of apps. How many are there in Ovi? Are the fingers on your hands still enough to count them or do you need to remove your socks also? And the lack of updates. Will the N900 receive the MeeGo OS or will Nokia drop the N900 as soon as PR1.2 is out? Is this the reason for the delay of the release of PR1.2? Nokia wants it to be perfect so they don't have to bother with the device anymore and can focus all their resources on the N900 successor?

        Completely unusable as a business device due to the lack of a usable office suite that allows creating and editing office documents. (I tried OpenOffice under Easy Debian. Almost completely unusable. Takes an eternity to launch and then good luck maneuvering the UI using your fingers... HA!)

        1. Anonymous Coward

          No MeeGo...

          In answer to my own answer, Nokia announced today that the N900 will not receive MeeGo. Te he...

  18. Anthony Hulse

    The fanboys here are missing the point...

    What is important is that consumers like ourselves have choice. Who cares if iPhone or Android aren't for everyone? Just the fact that both (plus Nokia, Palm and Microsoft's efforts) exist is bloody good. It keeps the entire industry moving and everyone just that little bit more likely to find a phone that works for them.

    Honestly, go get yourselves some beer or something, and lighten up.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      And lets face it...

      ...we've got all camps here today. Googlebois, Applebois, the lot. Though the googlebois are out in higher numbers, given the amount of downvoting going on for anyone who even remotely defends Apple.

      Can't we all just get along?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        @AC wanting us to all get along.

        I agree.

        The rampant downvoting for anyone that likes Apple but doesn't fit into these idiots simplistic view of the world (i.e. techies who don't watch adverts but still choose Apple, who aren't impressed by the status of an Apple produt and don't believe a consumer product makes you better than everyone else, the people who don't believe a walled garden is a bad thing because they have no desire to tinker with it, because let's face it, if you do, your willy doesn't get any bigger, even though that is why you go around professing to have to be able to tinker, "because it's a manly thing" or something stupidly similar).

        I take the downvoting as a badge earned for believing that you are no better than me, and I am no better than, no matter what our choices in products are.

  19. Muckminded

    There will be no peace


    In normal settings, not getting along means not getting things done. With technology, it means a couple or four corporations are constantly trying to one-up each other. If I could throw more meat in the pit, I would. Their hell generates my heaven (once it's debugged).

    All the negativity about this, that and the other technology is undoubtedly producing a corresponding happiness somewhere, somehow. Yay!

    And to whomever hacked into my gmail account, go to hell. While there, invent a more secure email system.

  20. Anonymous Coward

    i vs A

    Let me get something straight right from the start. I hate both Apple and Google, equally. They both have control-freakery at their core. Google is probably the most evil of the pair, just because of its land-grab of information. Apple is evil because they have a philosophy of "our way or the highway".

    Anyway, I recently bought an Android. It is such a great experience. User friendly, fantastic apps, and generally a fantastic experience. Just like owning a desktop, you can use it as is, with maybe a few apps downloaded and have a great experience, or you can get a geek friend (like me) to help you get everything set up exactly how you want it. Compared to iPhones (which I have used quite a few times) it has a more consistent interface and is just generally more polished. Also, because you have competing manufacturers producing the things, you can get one with the features you need. For example, I have never been able to use an on-screen keyboard, so I got the Motorola Droid. Most of my friends got the Incredible.

    What I find funniest though is that a few friends of mine have already started buying out of iPhone contracts to buy an Android. I don't think the sales figures in the first quarter of this year will be an aberration, I think they are a sign of things to come!

  21. henrydddd


    Perhaps he has discovered the following equation

    Apple + Microsoft = 666

  22. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Hey Guys

    Anyone know where I can get a small phone? One without wires to a socket, that I can carry around with me. Be nice if I can send short messages too, but not essential.

    1. blackworx
      Thumb Up

      Re: Hey Guys

      Lol here you go:

  23. gjw
    Jobs Horns


    to see all those defenceless, clueless fanbois seemingly asking one question: did we miss something? Go figure!

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fragmentation means choice of hardware

    Fragmentation of hardware never did Windows much harm :) The world can cope.

    People like to be treated as individuals. Not everyone wants to carry around the same hendset as everyone else. Steve Jobs needs to go back to the Apple archives and watch a re-run of the 1984 Apple ads.

  25. ChrisInAStrangeLand

    Why Droid Does.

    "Show me WHY the Droid is better than the iPhone with tangible, everyday uses for a regular user NOT a power user who is an IT GEEK and loves to tinker and program for themselves."

    Two words: Physical Keyboard.

  26. Neil 6
    Jobs Horns


    HTC make excellent phones, the legend and desire are great, and if the promises of Android 2.2 deliver then it really will be an Iphone beater.

    I have never bought an I phone, I just can't justify the cost of a ticket to hang out in Steve's garden, now Google have caught up, I'll never need to.

    Good times

  27. Glen Turner 666

    You missed reporting the tipping point

    When Jon Stewart dissed Apple about its over-reaction to its lost iPhone, that was the tipping point.

  28. Lloyd

    it boils down to this

    If you're a techie you'll probably prefer Android, if you're not then you're better off with an iPhone because you can't download malicious software or anything that might be detrimental to your phone.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      @Lloyd, your pot has boiled dry

      Such a simplistic view of the world, eh?

      What if you are a techie and prefer the iPhone?

      1. Lloyd

        As I already stated

        "If you're a techie you'll probably prefer Android"

        Note the word PROBABLY, nowhere did I intone that all techies wouldn't want an iPhone, I've yet to meet a techie with an iPhone that wasn't jailbroken, because it's too restrictive, that doesn't mean to say that they don't exist, get off your high and actually read my post next time. And whilst we're on the subject, I personally would recommend an Android for non techies, because most non techies are idiots and it's only a matter of time before malware becomes prolific on Android solely because there's no system in place like iTunes where's apps are monitored, both phones have good and bad points, and it's all a matter of preference. Personally I wanted to take a hammer to my iPhone after the second time an iTunes update detroyed all of my contacts, playlists, etc, I've not had that on my Desire as yet but it's only been a month, we shall see how stable it is ongoing.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I can't believe

    How many Apple H8rs are on the Reg. It is mind boggling. I read over and over again how much people HATE the Iphone. Despite that, EVERYFUCKINGBODY is trying to duplicate it.. So far, no one has. We have Android that is the "next" Iphone killer, but I did use the word "NEXT" and the future can not be told by anyone.

    I, for one, love my Iphone. Yes, I am a fan. No, I won't do Droid. I just don't give a shit bc my phone works 99% of the time even on ATT network. I don't miss Flash at all since I have a computer that will do that and I don't need the program. I actually use my Iphone to make...wait for it... phone calls!

    I don't really think anyone is going to overtake Steve. Fake Steve is just jealous he hasn't created anything except a lousy article.

    Bring on the thumbs down, bitches!

    1. Haku


      People seem to lose sight of the fact that copying Apple is simply a means to an end, the "end" simply being making shitloads of money.

    2. Cameron Colley

      I hate Apple, and the iPhone.

      So I bought something nothing like an iPhone.

      As for "I actually use my iPhone to make...wait for it... phone calls!" I think you'll find out if that's all you want a phone for you might be better off buying something by someone like Nokia -- not only will it be cheaper, but it'll have better battery life too and probably better call quality.

    3. Gulfie

      Oh dear...

      Most people I know, regardless of the phone they have, actually quite like the iPhone. Those that are in a position to afford one, but don't have one, don't like the walled garden model. That's their choice. I've just switched from iPhone to Android for the same reason. Initially ambivalent (it didn't affect me) I've grown to dislike the controlfreakery, and I think Apple are going to regret it in the long haul.

      You like your iPhone, that's fine. I like my Macs and my Nexus One, my wife likes my iPhone. Just chill, we all have our preferences, and spleen venting in this manner does you and your 'case' for the iPhone more harm than good.

    4. John 104


      is the place for you if you are a super fanboi. They ove the Apple over there. Here on Reg, its a little more evenly keeled. Most people don't think the iFlavor of the month is the answer to all of lifes problems...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Paris Hilton

        RE: Gizmodo

        "Here on Reg, its a little more evenly keeled. "

        It's not that evenly keeled - as soon as any article comes out that mentions Apple even tangentially, there will be loads of Apple-hating posts. A good example of this would be the one about VP8 (or whatever it's called) and H.264. No input from Steve Jobs, Apple or anyone from Apple but an awful lot of posts slagging them off - or inexplicably using the Steve-as-Devil icon for no apparent reason.

        Personally I think it's something in the water that affects the balance of people's minds so that they can no longer make clear judgements and *have* to post about how much they hate Apple. These people have probably never used the Apple product under discussion but they have to get their oar in...

    5. Levente Szileszky

      RE: beerman1957

      "Despite that, EVERYFUCKINGBODY is trying to duplicate it.. So far, no one has. "

      Are you high?

    6. Anonymous Coward

      RE: I can't believe

      "How many Apple H8rs are on the Reg. It is mind boggling.


      Bring on the thumbs down, bitches!"

      Oh, they did. They probably didn't read what you wrote though!

  30. Gizzit101

    Have to say...

    ...that some people are just better suited to Android than others.

    Over the weekend someone posted a link to the 2.2 update, for a specific build of a specific device. Happily, I am the owner of just such a device, and in the space of 10 minutes I was running "Froyo" and Flash 10.1 beta. Which was nice.

    However, all the blogs were stuffed with people clamouring "Will this work for my G1/Hero/Desire", or "how do I download this?" or "I'm stuck, plz mail me DETAILED instructions", or other fairly inane/naive drivel.

    Equally, there were hordes of Droid/Milestone and Desire owners complaining bitterly and DEMANDING 2.2 IMMEDIATELY.

    On a couple of sites, I posted trying to clarify the situation, but sure enough, five posts later, the same clamour from the lost and the furious.

    Now my thinking is this: If someone cannot take the time to read some fairly clear and concise instructions, and attendant disclaimers, then they probably belong in a walled garden, where there is nothing sharp to hurt themselves with.

    I appreciate that the Android user-community is multinational, some with a better grasp of English than others, but the original post and instructions were very clear, and written in very basic language.

    What we have currently is

    Google developing the platform much faster than the carriers (and manufacturers) are happy with,

    The carriers still staunchly clinging to a "You want an updated O/S? Then get a new device" mentality.

    The manufacturers introducing all sorts of (frankly) unnecessary bells and whistles in custom UIs to "differentiate" their handsets.

    The customers, with unrealistic expectations of immediate updates, regardless.

    From my reading of the situation, and I freely acknowledge I could be wrong, I suspect that Google pulled the Nexus One sales model in return for an undertaking from OEMs and carriers to push out updates faster.

    Anyway, for the time being, I've got a Nexus One running 2.2 - bring on the Gingerbread.

    1. Peter Storm

      Shock Horror! Bloke Changes Phone!

      Does anyone really give a fuck what this sad retard does?

      I mean, come on, is this the most interesting fulfilling thing he can find to do with his spare time?

  31. N2

    Its a telephone

    with a few clever tricks

    & I for one don't lie awake at night dwelling on the advantages of one or the other

    1. John 104


      However, its his job to do that very thing...

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "...can't download anything detrimental to the phone..."

    ...except for the apps on the app store which have to hide how crap the phone is. Not enough memory free at startup? Tell the user to close apps to free up memory and Apple'll threaten to pull all of your apps.

  33. BongoJoe

    Then why?

    Beerman, if it seems that all you are interested in is making calls then why do you need an iPhone in the first place?

    I have a mobile which does just that, and texts brilliantly too. It's the Sony Ericsson rather extinct P800 but it does the thing that you mention rather well.

    So why then the need for an iPhone?

    beer - because we have a great little brewery here just down the road.

  34. Anonymous Coward


    You are American, you buy whatever the paid-off media tell you to buy.

    Elsewhere in the world, we choose our products with more care.

    We pick devices that aren't locked into iTunes

    We pick items that are quality or offer value for money

    We don't just buy products from our own country (however bad they are), foolishly believing it helps our economy.

    Go back to your iTurd and ShiteBox360...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      @AC response to beerman

      I bow at your feet, your comments smell of self inflated bags of doggie doo.

      There are those of us that choose, without ever having seen an Apple ad, to buy Apple products. Paid-off media don't touch me, and yet I still buy. Go put that in your pipe and smoke it into a state of confusion because I don't fit into your simplistic view of the world.

    2. Doug Glass


      Like BP products. Well.....nor any more.

  35. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Levente Szileszky

      RE: you use WHAT to get things done... ???

      "I use an N900 to test the crazy stuff , an Iphone as my primary device to get things done."

      I had to read this sentence again... WHAT? An iPhone and over the N900???

      You must be one of those "single-tasking" (minded?) people...

  36. Ben Rosenthal
    Jobs Horns

    re: "Apple H8rs"

    You do it to yourselves, you really do.

  37. Jonsi

    Android kicks Steve's bot

    Android kicks Steve's bot - not it really does ....

    I've been pretty happy with my iPhone - but it's getting old ... time to upgrade... chances are I'm going for a droid.

    My problem is too much choice !

    1. Anonymous Coward

      real problem

      is this time next year your shiny android won't get an os update to 3.2 as it is out of date, and even assuming it will be supported you wont get it from your carrier, because a) they dont want to support a given feature (see tethering), b) it interferes with there handcrafted applications/UI, c) they want you to upgrade to a new handset (of course). Then it is down into the bowls of your powerful android to install roms manually, etc.

      Ask those g1 owners, 18 months old, still stuck on 1.6 from there carrier...

      I know Froyo is trying to fix b to some extent, but I trust the carriers less than i trust the handset makers.

  38. Jared Earle
    Thumb Down

    Zero Sum

    It's not a zero-sum game. It's not Highlander.

    For one to win, all others don't have to die. You can have more than one winner; there can be more than only one.

    Android v iPhone is great for consumers; may the battle keep going. If one obliterates the other, we all lose.

    1. Disintegrationnotallowed
      Thumb Up


      iphone and android benefit from the competition, would android really have got such a big boost without google wanting to stick it to jobs over flash? most of the performance gains are in an attempt to get flash viable.

  39. Albert

    Apple are the new Sony

    Remember when Sony made the must have devices. Then slowly but surely they started to think this allowed them to go it alone and define markets and standards (Minidisk, Memorystick, rootkit activity). Well, the industry and the buying public for the most part didn't follow. Sony still make some great products but the Sony badge doesn't automatically mean a hit. They have to compete just like everybody else.

    Apple are at the same tipping point. If they keep pushing their agenda they will survive but the sheen will be gone from their products and their loyal customers will at a minimum consider other options.

  40. Levente Szileszky

    N900 is indeed a nice geeky platform but... someone already pointed out ("for fast motion video the framerate suffers") it lacks the juice the OS deserves - its A8 600MHz is simply SLOW, period.

    Try running a boatload of apps - including videos - on a Nexus One, X10 etc and you'll see what I mean; N900 urgently needs an updated N1000 with a Snapdragon-like 1GHz or faster CPU and it will be a killer phone (provided Nokia won't screw up battery life again so royally as they did at their N9x-series launch.)

    That and that nasty, awful Nokia (=brick-like) design, of course. :p

  41. Anonymous Coward

    RE: I disagree!

    "Android also brings in many developers who simply want to code so that it will:

    a) kill the iphone,

    b) give users apps that could never work on an iphone

    c) give users awesome apps for free

    All of these things come from having an open source and non-greedy Operating System and Business Structure."

    By that logic, Linux must be about to sink Windows...

    (Oh and incedentally, there are free apps available for the iPhone!)

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