back to article Symantec lays out $1.3bn to buy VeriSign's security business

Symantec has bought VeriSign's identity and authentication business for approximately $1.28bn in cash. The deal, announced Wednesday, will see the security giant snapping up Verisign's Secure Sockets Layer certificate services, the Public Key Infrastructure services and VeriSign Identity Protection (VIP) authentication service …


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  1. playtime

    Get rid of this title crap now.

    So now one of the worst av vendors (Norton Anti-Game?) owns most of the western worlds root certificates.

    Get off that treadmill now and run your own CA server.

  2. KjetilS
    Thumb Down


    (Se title)

  3. Kikki D

    Wagga Wagga Wagga

    Dreadful news ....

  4. JeffyPooh

    Some of the least-capable software staff anywhere

    Based on the self-evident mistakes with some of their products (many blatently obvious with even a cursory glance at the screen...), this cannot be good news. I guess we know where all the 'D' IT students end-up. And it is nice that they hire the visually-impaired to perform the QA function.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    What do they want to do with all that? And why would verisign even part with a cash-cow?

  6. Combat Wombat

    *deep breath*


    Great, so now we will have SSL owned by that bunch of mother humping, brain damaged, cross eyed, pack of primary school retards that are running Symantec these days.

    If anyone wants me, I'll be in the angry dome

  7. kain preacher


    More like the students that failed the admissions test at the Uni and got a mail order diploma .

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