Electronic signatures are a joke
It might be better on the iThing, but every time I've been offered one of those scratchy things with a stylus by a delivery driver, it has recorded maybe half of my signature, at best.
Santa Clara County is now accepting voter registration verified with a finger-scrawled signature, showing how an iPad or iPhone really can do anything paper can. Voters in the US have to register prior to the election, normally using a traditional clipboard and pen to sign their name. But Santa Clara County residents are now …
it will create an idetifiable 'signature' thats without a doubt but a signature done with your figer should NEVER be matched up to one done with a pen or stylus - Surely the way your fingers move when writing is completely different from using your finger. I suspect this would add way too much leaway into any verification when one was compared to the other.
Practically every shop I use now does electronic signatures instead of paper ones for credit cards. You use a stylus, so it looks roughly like your actual signature, but you can use your finger if you want to. These machines are much smaller than even an iPhone though, so I'm not sure what the significance of the iPad is for this.