Always wait for X.1
Waiting for the first update is always a good business strategy. Nearly as good as not upgrading unless you absolutely have to. Apart from meaning you don't commit to a turkey that doesn't even last long enough to get to it's first update, it means there's a fair chance the worst bugs will be fixed, too.
Most software development is a race to the first release. Getting the new stuff into the hands of the reviewers is far more important to suppliers than making sure the people who would actually buy it (or even download it for free) get a decent, reliable and usable solution. After all, it's not as if a reviewer has the time to fully explore every feature or test every piece of hardware it claims to support.
So taking the brand new, hot off the DVD presses, product is often a step onto the path of debugging the product for the supplier, as well as being the schmuck who pays full price, before the discounted marketing kicks in to further punish loyal customers and early adopters.