Community property
Once she was married the husband had legal access to any information not protected by Dr./Patient, Lawyer/Client, etc., privileges. Or something like that, IANAL, but I don't believe the telco did anything wrong on any level. I'll be surprised if the courts don't just throw this one out.
I'll bet she is suing the telco because she knows she won't get any alimony from her ex. and also to try and paint herself as a "victim" to garner some sympathy instead of the scorn she deserves.
I've been where the husband is now so I am biased in his favor. The wife may have needed some anti-depressants but the husband has had his life turned upside down and run through a blender. He is now a single parent of two children, the woman he trusted most has betrayed him, he is going to have to explain to the children why he had to leave mommy and he is going to be the one who wakes up in the middle of the night wondering what went wrong.
Unanswered questions;
who requested the bills be combined?
Why did the husband call the number and not just ask his wife about it?