"New" supercomputer group?
When in doubt, reorganise. After all, it worked for DEC, didn't it.
What were MS's HPC folk up to back in 2006 (or was it 2003 - the answer is in the article, for the Sun readers amongs us)?
"Microsoft has just chosen the UK for the worldwide launch of Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003, its HPC (High Performance Computing) offering.
This is because high performance and technical computing is a growth market in the UK and a lot of the basic work on it was done at places like Professor Simon Cox's Microsoft HPC Institute at Southampton University."
It was a big hit in the HPC marketplace, was it not?
What, even less succesful than Vista? Howcome? Just because Windows hasn't a clue about high performance low latency software (preferably with SMP or multinode apps) doesn't mean it can't produce ever such pretty charts you know. As long as you've not used fixed point (scaled) integers for performance, that is. Excel rather struggles with those.