back to article Outsourcing goes inside

An Indian outsourcing firm is working with prison authorities to set up a 200 man unit to handle back office and data entry functions for businesses worldwide. Charlapally Central Jail near Hyderabad was chosen because 40 per cent of prisoners are well-educated. Lags will get the chance to learn some skills that might actually …


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  1. Dr Christian

    trusting banking information to convicts

    If my bank opts into this bizarre scheme I'm surely high tailing it out of their clutches. This is the worst idea ever without even mentioning the huge unemployment in the UK.

  2. Nux Vomica

    indian convicts running the back office for banks......

    Can't see any possible security issues there can you?

    I'll be checking where my bank offshores to as soon as I've finished this post. I'd suggest you all do the same.

  3. Tom Chiverton 1 Silver badge


    They are having *convicted criminals* leaf through *bank* details ?!?

  4. Sweeping Brush

    Thank you, con again!

    So here we have well educated prisoners, in a 3rd world country, being given PCs and access to banking information.

    I don't see much problems here, do you?


  5. Shane McCarrick


    This has to be the most hair brained idea I've ever heard- its not like the staff for this call centre aren't in prison for very good reasons already......

    If my bank join this scheme- thats it for me- I'm off to a competitor......

  6. Geoff Campbell Silver badge


    Yeah, I can just see the System Security Audit for that business case:

    "Well, you see, we've got this bunch of criminals willing to work on the cheap...."

    Yup, I'd buy it.


  7. frank ly

    Conversational Ice Breaker

    "...and even running call centres .."

    Them: "Hello, am I speaking to the owner of this telephone?"

    Me: "Yes, hello, what are you in for?"

  8. david bates
    Thumb Down

    Agree with Dr Christian....

    Do we know who these banks are? If not can we find out?

  9. Alain Moran

    No change there then

    The banks are already run by a bunch of criminals, so I guess it makes sense for their call-centres to be staffed by their mates.

  10. Ian K

    On the plus side

    With Outsourcing generally there's always that nagging doubt as to whether the wrong sort of person will get their hands on your data.

    This scheme will eliminate all such doubts.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Never been in any doubt...

      ...about such things anyway.

      Almost every financial institution I've dealt with in the last decade has amply demonstrated to me the wide gulf between the claimed effectiveness of their security and actual reality. Nor am I in any doubt about where the bulk of security risks in banking originate - inside the system.

  11. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Management will *love* it

    Lower costs. Security risks. Nonsense. It's the fault of the *customer* for not keeping your data safe.

    It *might* be interesting to find out what problems doing this in US prisons has caused.

    Just a thought. icon for *all* the obvious reasons.

  12. swING

    UK FI sure to make a profit

  13. Anonymous Coward


    If they are already well educated they must already have enough skills to get themselves a job.

    Likewise there is a good chance they are already in there for white collar crimes like fraud etc.

    The skills this will teach them will make them very valuable to the organized crime gangs as they will get first hand experience of the systems the banks are using to prevent and detect fraud.

  14. elderlybloke

    We are safe in New Zealand

    The criminals will never have heard of us and if they had, they wouldn't know where we were.

  15. Winkypop Silver badge


    What could possibly go wrong?

  16. A41202813GMAILCOM

    NO FATE !

    The Wild Wild West Is Appealing More And More To The Respectful Business World.

  17. Anonymous Coward

    You're kidding right

    I thought April fools day was last month.

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