Smell The Glove
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.
The Herschel Space Observatory has spotted a gaping hole in space - a "truly empty" void which appears to have be formed by jets of gas from nascent stars. The European Space Agency's infrared 'scope spotted the anomaly in a bright reflective cloud of gas dubbed NGC 1999. In visible wavelengths, the hole appears naturally …
The LHC has created a fault in space-time which, due to everything being quantum, meant the hole appeared elsewhere.
Now, in true Star Trek stylee, the hole will slowly begin to get bigger until it fills the entire screen with ----- nothing and this universe will be sucked in.
Or is it the 'Eye of God' and god is a one-eyed cat?
I (eye) for one welcome our new bum-licking overlords as long as they don't bring frogs in.
"It's so black! You can hardly see it. Light just falls into it."
"It's so black. Everything in it is just totally black!"
"The weird colour scheme freaks me. Every time I try to operate one of these weird black controls, a small black light lights up in black to let you know you've done it."
Once again, Douglas Adams did it first :P
Funny how they've gone for the 'empty' hypothesis.
I prefer the 'immensely dense' hypothesis, thus:
1. It's an alien battlefleet coming to get us (about time)
2. It's a Dyson sphere (about time)
3. It's a Type III civilization's Matroishka Brain booting up (about time)
4. There really is a God, and this is one of His poos.