back to article L'Orange and T'Mobile: Together at last

Orange and T-Mobile have rejected both T-Orange and L'Mobile for their new, combined branding. Instead the new group will be known as "Everything, Everywhere". There's no website yet, but marketeers for the new group said the groundbreaking new brand was "a shared platform of strength, with each brand owning clear emotional …


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  1. The_Police!

    Everything, Everywhere


    Hey Mate, what network are you on?

    Everything, Everywhere!

    erm ok! *runs*

  2. PaulK

    Further proof that...

    ...marketeers are paid far too much.

    Pity Tango was already taken.

  3. Mike Watt

    Decisions, decisions

    As someone who's on the verge of jumping the T-Mobile ship in favour of Three's superior 3G coverage do I hang on till "later this year", which could well be December, or do I bail now and come back when the roaming is fully operational?

    1. G_C


      3 and T-Mobile use the same network... as does Virgin...

  4. Tim Cook

    Checklist for new branding

    Ok guys, let's make it:

    1. Long

    2. Unwieldy

    3. Completely meaningless

    4. Slightly sinister

    5. Stupid

  5. Chris Lowe


    they'll call themselves E2?

    1. Sam Liddicott


      but everyone else will... nice one!

    2. G_C


      E2... O2... lets call the whole thing off...

  6. Andrew Jones 2


    and apparently also the name of a travel blog which is the first result google returns on the new name....

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Cab! Cab!

    Where you going mate?

    Everything, Everywhere!

    Get out of my car, you freak.

    Directory enquiries?

    What number please?

    Everything, Everywhere!


    Dominos Pizza?

    I'd like a special please!

    Where should we deliver it?

    Everything, Everywhere!


    1. G_C


      you made me laugh...

      good one!

  8. paulf

    Everything Everywhere (TM) Really?

    That is some pretty wide ranging promises being made by "Everything Everywhere". I wonder if that branding will have any "Fair Restriction" applied to it like "unlimited internet" is usually not "unlimited"

    Will I be able to sue Ora-Bile if I cannot download full movies at 3G speeds in the middle of the Scottish Highlands (or anywhere they are likely to have a coverage void)?

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Oh great,

    Now more people have to deal with the nightmare that is Orange's customer service...

    I ditched em a long time ago in favour of TM... As they say, what comes round, goes round.

  10. Michael Downie


    Did you all _read_ the article? Everything Everywhere is the name of the umbrella company which runs the two networks. For now, at least, T-Mobile is T-Mobile and Orange is Orange. They are converging the network, not the operators.

  11. Nigel Whitfield.


    "Nothing, anywhere" would be a more accurate summation of my recent experiences, especially with Orange mobile data, in such out of the way backwoods as Canary Wharf and Winchester.

  12. Anonymous Coward

    Dont mean to be negative but.....

    More often than not these mobile shops spring up in groups, meaning if one opens you usual get the whole lot of them popping up in the town or city. On top of this i can promise you that they will eventually merge the brands as its not cost effective to run them both, right from a marketing level down to headed note paper will cost them more ordering over two brands, where there is cross over both at a head office, regional office and at a store level you can kiss goodbye to quite a number of jobs too.

  13. RichyS


    So, are we really to believe that Orange have over twice the UK staff as T-Mobile?

    Clearly all the extra staff aren't in customer services. So, where are they? Feeding the racoons?

    1. Dino Saur

      ... Gone Swedish

      Perhaps you haven't been keeping up with the news.

      1) T-Mobile and 3 formed a joint venture called MBNL (Mobile Broadband Network Limited, IIRC) to run their 3G networks, pushed their staff into it, then outsourced the services to Ericsson - TUPE'ing the ex-staff on the way.

      2) T-Mobile also have a Service contract with Ericsson for the 2G network - more staff TUPE'd across.

      (TUPE rules prevent the recipients of the outsource contract from firing transferred staff for 2 years, I think).

      So T-mobile have downsized quite a lot while Orange maintained their services inside the company.

      No doubt the new merged company will do a similar outsourcing exercise to Ericsson. That way they can avoid the bad publicity of 'rationalising' staff.

      Look out for redundancies in Ericsson 2 years after the outsourcing when the TUPE limits expire.

    2. G_C

      one word...


  14. b166er

    @Mike Watt

    You do realise that TMO and 3 share masts at the moment, don't you?

    That coalition will grow to include Orange masts later this year.

    If you really want better reception, perhaps you'd better go to Vodafone, besides, I hear they're offering 500MB for only £5 a month :P (I get 3GB with TMO)

  15. Nathan 13

    Lets hope

    Lets hope that my T-Mobile internet will actually start working "everything, everywhere" rather than "sometimes, slowly"

  16. ken 12

    going no where fast

    Its funny that at this point Orange's 3G network is down....should it be nowhere never

  17. TeeCee Gold badge

    Everything what?

    Here's how it goes:





    Sod this for a game of conkers!

    Actually, while I was composing that, it was rather tricky to get the typos I wanted rather than ones that happened anyway*. I was going to flag this as a joke, but it really is a bitch to type so FAIL.

    * e.g. I've just noticed in preview that there's a missing "y" in the last that I hadn't planned for.....

  18. Roby


    T-Orange would be the best name

  19. Juan Inamillion


    Add Camden to that Orange fail. I can walk along parts of the lock or the High St in total peace knowing my phone won't ring...

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