Hard? Of course it is.
Everything is hard when you don't really know how to do it.
Or what company does know, and can be bought up.
A Microsoft "web technical evangelist" has indicated that he wants Internet Explorer 9 to include the HTML5 Canvas tag, a means of rendering 2D graphics inside a browser. But for reasons unknown, the company won't actually commit to the tag. Today, during a panel discussion on the web browser's future at the Web 2.0 Expo in …
Guess what? Microsoft will fail to implement a HTML standard and fuck developers over. Again.
Gotta leave people hungry for IE10, right guys?
Or maybe they'll see that their fucking incessant retardation is the reason their market share is dropping faster than a techie's patience threshold after exposure to IE6.
In short: Do. Not. Want. Stick to holding down new technologies and punishing your locked-in customer base, what you're best at.
Since they have never really supported standards before and did their own thing. Catching up to the competition is a monumental feat. They have to do everything whereas the competition has how they implemented it in the past and can work on getting the new portions in their code.
I do not fel sorry for Microsoft at all. They waited too long to start their homework and have no one to blame but themselves.
I also can't believe that he said IE 9 will be fast. $h!t, I can use any other tabbed browser and open a dozen tabs faster than IE can open one. IE is single threaded at best and sits around doing nothing and thus prevents you from doing anything.
Microsoft sure know how to talk the talk. Fast this, compatible that but anyone who has been in this industry for more than a short time knows full well that the never fucking deliver.
You have to wonder whether guys like this and that other one crapping on about 15 billion windows embedded devices actually believe the tripe they spout